Agenda and minutes

North Local Area Committee - Wednesday 5 October 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Ecclesfield Primary School, High Street, Ecclesfield, Sheffield S35 9UD

Contact: Philippa Burdett, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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An apology for absence was received from Councillor Julie Grocutt.



Exclusions of Public and Press

To identify items where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public.

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No items were identified where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.

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There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To approve the minutes of the Committee held on 7 July, 2022.

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The minutes of meeting of the Committee held on 7 July 2022 were approved as a correct record.



Public Questions and Petitions pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.

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Leroy Wenham on behalf of Sheffield Caribbean Sports Club, Ecclesfield


Leroy was pleased to announce that the club had been awarded a pot from the ‘Tree of Trees’ sculpture that had been part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. He hoped for the ongoing support of the Council and asked if the next North Local Area Committee meeting could include a presentation to acknowledge the award.


The Chair responded by noting Councillor support to date and said that representatives from the club would be very welcome at a future North Local Area Committee meeting. The next one was due to take place in the Stannington ward, and the following one would be in the West Ecclesfield ward.


Councillor Bowden noted that she had attended the planting event and was familiar with some of the club’s expansion plans.


Mr Wenham explained that the facility was well used and advised that they hoped to develop a proper pavilion that could be used by local people.


Councillor Baker wished to congratulate the club on their achievements.



L Cocker


The Chair read out a question from L Cocker who was not in attendance at the meeting:


I am unable to attend this meeting but would like the following questions to be raised and answered.


I noticed a speed detection device in Ecclesfield. On which dates will this device be active, and when and where will the results of the data be available to residents?


Also, how will the North LAC make use of these results to ensure it is a viable operation?


In response the Chair noted that the North Local Area Committee had been allocated one vehicle activated sign per ward, which had initially been placed in areas of most benefit. These would be rotated around the wards every 6 to 8 weeks, at 24 locations in total.


The devices notified drivers of their speed and also gathered data about speed at that location. They were active from when they were sited until being removed. Information regarding speed and traffic volume would be obtained and acted on where possible. A full response would be provided for the questioner.



Tim Whitaker, Ecclesfield Parish Council


Tim provided an update on recent activities, which included a school uniform ‘swap shop’. This had happened in previous years, and since July this year 567 items had been handed out to schools. Some uniform had also been donated to asylum seekers residing at Staindrop Lodge.


Tim also advised that a community skip day had been held at Angram Bank. This was a large walk-in skip and volunteers had assisted in carrying large items with residents. A further event was being planned for Chapeltown.


A gardening competition was also underway. This had been halted during the pandemic but was reinstated in 2021. Awards were due to be presented at the meeting of the parish council on Wednesday 6 October 2022.


The community room refurbishment was almost finished, which included a new kitchen and was wheelchair accessible. A  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Sheffield Youth Cabinet pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Report of the Community Service Manager.

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Emma Hinchliffe, Young People’s Involvement Lead, was in attendance for this item. She was based in the Community Youth Services at Sheffield City Council and the teams work included youth work provision, careers advice, special educational needs advice, one-to-one support and sexual exploitation advice. She hoped to explain the work of the Youth Cabinet and how young people were supported and given a voice within the city.


Emma explained that youth voice and participation was about meaningfully listening to the voices of young people in order to empower them and give them the skills and knowledge they need to be able to engage with decision-making locally, regionally and nationally. The Youth Cabinet members were elected every two years and this time their priorities were aligned to the those of the Local Area Committee. As a group they decided on city-wide priorities and, in their local areas, develop projects that they are passionate about. The priorities for this year included a national priority, city-wide priorities and a key local issue.


At this point Emma welcomed two members of the Youth Cabinet, Isabelle and Mitch, who were local to the area and had particular interests in ‘votes at 16’ and reform of the curriculum. Emma shared contact details for the team and asked that anyone who knew of opportunities for young people make contact. Support would be given where possible, and links formed with other relevant organisations.



In response to a question about community safety, Emma advised that there was an advisory group to South Yorkshire Police where young people could raise issues that affect them and influence decision-making. The issues discussed included safety and sexual harassment. An event was also taking place at October half-term on safety for young people.



Emma advised that the team would also be working with South Yorkshire Police regarding in relation to test purchasing of fireworks and alcohol.



Louise Ellison, Deputy Services Manager in Youth Services, managed the work of the youth work team and had written the Dark Nights plan for their service. This involved working with local partner agencies, voluntary, community and faith groups, South Yorkshire Police, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and youth workers, with the joint aim of reducing anti-social behaviour during this peak time. South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue would be delivering educational sessions to young people regarding firework and fire misuse. In efforts to engage with young people, there were lots of ‘diversion’ activities planned across the North Local Area Committee region, varying from ice-skating sessions to Ninja warrior activities. The team would also be supporting community bonfires and youth clubs on bonfire night. Joint patrols would be carried out with South Yorkshire Police and if any young people were stopped by the police, they would initially be issued with a Community Resolution. This would lead to a referral to the Community Youth Team, who would then offer one-to-one or group sessions around victim awareness and the consequences of anti-social behaviour.



Councillor Gamble  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


North Local Area Committee Budget Update

Presentation by Emma Hinchcliffe and North members of Sheffield Youth Cabinet.

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David Luck, North Local Area Committee Manager, provided an update on the budget.


David advised that as well as having a £10,000 budget for projects in line with its Community Plan, the North Local Area Committee also had a Ward Pot for specific activities and another funding stream which he would outline shortly.


The Community Plan had identified three priorities: transport and highways, environment and community life. Details of two projects had been reported to the Committee meeting of 7 July 2022.


David updated the Committee on the spending that had been reported at the Committee meeting of 7 July 2022. He confirmed that a youth club had started in High Green and that, as part of the parks improvement budget, work was about to begin on the football pitch at Wadsley Park Village, as well as improvements to Fox Glen, Deepcar and Grenoside parks.




David explained that to make work practical throughout the year, there had been an agreement made at the first Local Area Committee meetings for projects under £5,000 to be agreed with the Chair and reported back at the Committee meetings. He outlined the spending that had been agreed since the meeting of the Committee held on 7 July 2022:






Date Chair consulted

Community Support

High Green summer activities for young people

Support for young families of asylum seekers at Staindrop Lodge







Anti-social behaviour

2 Police bikes

Tint man device

Throw ropes

Off road bike signs










Lound School safety barrier

Road narrowing sign, Stephen Lane, Grenoside 

Wharncliffe Side speed survey












It was anticipated that there would be both a formal report with new projects and a report back of smaller sums at the next North Local Area Committee meeting in January 2023.


An additional fund of £10,000 for additional youth activities had been launched this week, and bids were open until the end of October for funding of up to £1,500. Further details and support on bids could be given as needed.




High Green Development Trust

Presentation by Chris Hallam, Chief Executive of High Green Development Trust.

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Chris Hallam, Chief Executive Officer of High Green Development Trust, attended to update attendees on activities and plans for the High Green Development Trust campus.


The campus included 35,000 sq ft of space, which was currently occupied by 13 different charities and 35 different community uses. These ranged from a nursing home, hydrotherapy pool, sensory rooms, a ball pool for adults and children, charity shop and a community fridge. There were 36 volunteers ranging in age from 16 to 84. For the last 12 months the Trust had changed from an inward to an outward looking organisation.


The Trust had a Community Plan which had been shared with Sheffield City Council and was aligned with the Local Area Committee priorities and commitments.


Sheffield City Council had supported the Trust in setting up a Youth Hub. The hub allowed young people to make budget decisions on which activities to run and how to reach across the city. Mr Hallam was reverse mentored by two young people and found this to be a very useful experience.


The Trust aimed to partner with organisations that met with their three main priorities, which were care, education and community.


In terms of community events, there was currently a suite of projects, including “Mind, Body and Soil”, which was running across allotments. A group of ex-military volunteers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder where working on this project and were doing great work. The Trust were actively looking for opportunities to improve that space.


The Paces campus would be moving on to new premises at Thorncliffe at October half-term. The young people would be missed, but an ‘outstanding’ Ofsted rated nursery remained on-site along with a gymnastics group. There would still be a focus on educating staff, and courses were planned, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), how to live on a budget, cooking and art classes. Many communities had been reached over the last 18 months, and the Trust had been inundated with approaches from volunteers and residents wishing to work there. There was now also interest for facilities such as health visitor clinics and hot desking facilities. Sheffield City Council shared the Trust’s long-term view for the site, which included plans to run a bus circular route which was hoped to be free at the point of use.


The Chair thanked Mr Hallam for attending and providing an informative update.



Councillor Gamble Pugh noted that he had been following the email correspondence about the ongoing issue of the lease. He suggested that it might be useful for Mr Hallam to outline what the arrangements had been so far and the aspirations of the Trust going forward. He also proposed a resolution to give clear support and direction to Council officers to encourage them in the support of the work of the Trust.



Mr Hallam advised that the lease had originally been granted to the Trust at a ‘peppercorn rent’ on the proviso of community use. The site was currently being considered by the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.