Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

South Local Area Committee - Tuesday 3 December 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: St Chad's Church, Linden Avenue, Woodseats, Sheffield, S8 0GA

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Informal Discussion on Local Parks and Green Spaces

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After the Chair, Simon Clement-Jones, welcomed attendees, the Committee went into a breakout session, during which members of the public in attendance were given the opportunity to speak to Councillors about any local issue of concern and were given some questions to consider regarding local parks and green spaces.





Friends of the Rose Garden Café Update. pdf icon PDF 5 MB

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The webcast commenced and an update on the Rose Garden Café was given by Chris Hallam, (Independent Chair) on the Save the Rose Garden Café Campaign.  A PowerPoint presentation was given, which was published with the agenda on the Council’s website.



In addition to the information in the presentation, Chris Hallam also advised the following:

·       11,500 people had signed the petition to save the café.

·       Applications for funding were underway.

·       Scaffolding was still in place and survey work had been done.

·       The aim was to raise over £100,000 as a contribution to the costs of restoring the café.

·       The total costs might be approximately £2 million, for a heritage restoration.

·       The intention was to ensure the café had a sustainable future after the partnership had completed its work.

·       It was hoped the restoration would be finished in time for the 100th anniversary of the café.

·       The public consultation had shown that the café was used by people from a wide area across the city, and beyond.

·       Consultees had expressed the importance to them, of community groups being able to use the café.

·       The Partnership would know in 6 months’ time whether funding could be secured, and the project could go ahead.

·       £15,500 had been raised so far from donations.

·       It was not intended to expand the footprint of the existing building other than a potential need for extra kitchen space.





Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Mahroof Raouf and Sophie Thornton.





Exclusion of the Press and Public

To identify items where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public.

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No items were identified where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.





Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.

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There were no declarations of interest.     





Budget Report pdf icon PDF 173 KB

Report of the Local Area Committee Manager

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To enable decisions to be taken quickly and to respond to emerging issues, in September 2021 the LAC granted delegated authority to the Community Services Manager to make certain decisions on expenditure. At its meeting on October 1st 2024 this delegation was reviewed in order to enable financial decisions to be made more quickly, given the delays caused by the two pre-election periods (local election and general election). The Community Services Manager is now authorised to make decisions on expenditure from any budgets allocated to the Local Area Committee provided that:


•The decision is taken in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair

• Spending is in line with any specific purposes of the allocated budget

• The decision may not approve expenditure of more than £10,000 per item. 

• A report detailing the delegated spending decisions taken by the Community Services Manager is presented to the next Local Area Committee meeting.



Funding delegated by Full Council to LACs in 2024/25 amounts to £100,000 per LAC.  At its meeting on October 1st 2024 the South LAC agreed to use its £100,000 allocation to provide £25,000 per ward to develop projects in line with the South LAC Community Plan



Since the previous LAC meeting the following expenditure has been approved under the delegation set out above:






Date chair consulted


Graves Park

Cost of Living sessions


Woodseats High Street work











Gleadless Valley

Cost of Living sessions


Holy Cross Foodbank











Beauchief & Greenhill


Cost of Living sessions




Nether Edge & Sharrow

Cost of Living sessions




Based on this expenditure the total expenditure to date is £44,432 leaving a balance of £55,568


Nether Edge & Sharrow has an additional £2911 to reallocate from 2023/24 funds carried forward into 2024/25.



At the South Local Area Committee meeting on the 3rd December 2024 the Local Area Committee Manager advised that the Nether Edge and Sharrow Councillors wished to allocate their remaining budget of £20,000 for local parks improvements.





RESOLVED:  That the South Local Area Committee


1.    Notes the funds spent under delegated powers since the October 2024 South LAC meeting.

2.    Agrees to allocate the remaining £20,000 of the Nether Edge and Sharrow budget to local parks improvements.





Reasons for Decision




The South LAC is asked to note delegated decisions in respect of LAC funding to address the identified local priorities within the South LAC Community Plan.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The South LAC is asked to note delegated decisions in respect of LAC funding to address the identified local priorities within the South LAC Community Plan.





The budget report, which set out the spending decisions made by the Community Services Manager in consultation with the LAC Chair, was presented by David Luck, South LAC Community Services Manager.




In addition to the information set out in the report, David Luck advised that the Nether Edge & Sharrow Councillors had indicated they wished to use their remaining budget of £20,000 for local parks improvements.



RESOLVED: That the South Local Area Committee

  1. Notes the funds spent under delegated powers since the October 2024 South LAC meeting; and
  2. Agrees to allocate the remaining £20,000 of the Nether Edge and Sharrow budget to local parks improvements.



Reasons for Decision

The South LAC is asked to note delegated decisions in respect of LAC funding to address the identified local priorities within the South LAC Community Plan.



Alternatives Considered and Rejected

None. Spending decisions made by the Community Services Manager under the authority delegated by the LAC in October 2024 are required to be reported to the next LAC meeting so that the LAC can monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan.




Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 1st October 2024.

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The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 1st October 2024 were agreed as a correct record.





Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.

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Members responded to questions from members of the public who had submitted questions during the meeting.



A member of the public stated that there was a planning application for the development of a green space adjacent to Waterfall Lane and Norton Lane.  The residents were opposed to this as the land was supposed to be a buffer zone, and in recent years over 200 houses had already been built in Norton. Councillor Steve Ayris confirmed that the application title was “Land adjacent to Norton Primary School”, and the deadline for representations on the application was 10th December 2024. He added that the main issue was that the draft Local Plan designated the site as a green space, but Officers had subsequently stated that this was an error.  The local Councillors were challenging this.  The historic records showed that the land had never been developed.  He encouraged people to register comments on the Council’s planning portal.



Nathan Edwards stated that there was only one local designated green space in the draft Local Plan, which was Bolehill Woods.  He asked whether there was support for other sites within the LAC area to be designated.  Councillors advised that green spaces were often insisted upon in planning developments and that the Local Plan aimed to ensure that green spaces that were used were retained.



A member of the public requested further information regarding the £55,000 which was left in the South LAC budget.  David Luck advised that it was money which had to be allocated this financial year, and it was normal for a large proportion of the LAC spend to take place at the end of the year.  Decisions had been delayed by the two election periods, but it was anticipated that all the money would be spent.



Nathan Edwards asked whether all the budget was generally allocated to capital projects.  The Chair advised that the LAC budget was not able to be committed beyond a year and the CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) could only be spent on capital projects.





Date of the Next Meeting

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The Chair thanked members of the public present for attending.



It was noted that the next meeting of the South Local Area Committee would take place on the 18th February 2025.