It is the role of
the Senior Officer Employment Committee, subject to legal
requirements relating to the Council’s Statutory Officers and
to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules in Part 4 of the
Constitution, to:
consider and make recommendations to the
Council on all matters relating to the appointment of the Chief
Executive and the dismissal of the Chief Executive, Monitoring
Officer and Chief Finance Officer;
determine all matters relating to the appointment of Executive
Directors and other Officers who report directly to the Chief
Executive, and the Council’s Statutory Chief Officers, other
than the Chief Executive;
determine all matters relating to the dismissal of Executive
Directors and other Officers who report directly to the Chief
Executive, and the Council’s Statutory Officers, other than
the Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance
determine all matters relating to the discipline short of dismissal
of Executive Directors and other Officers who report directly to
the Chief Executive, and the Council’s Statutory Officers;
determine all matters relating to the appointment, discipline and
dismissal of Officers who report directly to any of the Officers
described above (other than the Monitoring Officer) for all or most
of their duties (but not any person whose duties are solely
secretarial or clerical).
It may establish
such Sub-Committees as appropriate to undertake recruitment and to
hear individual matters, which may include authority to make
appointments and other decisions, and authority to make
recommendations direct to the Council.
As a lot of the
work deals with individual cases, meetings may not be open to
members of the public.