Agenda item

Tackling Poverty Strategy

Report of the Director, Policy, Performance and Communications



The Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families submitted a report in relation to the Tackling Poverty Strategy.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





endorses the vision for tackling poverty in the City;






approves the Needs Assessment;






approves the City’s Tackling Poverty Strategy, developed in partnership with other stakeholders in the City;






approves the Strategic Outcomes, noting that any activities or actions developed in future under the broad headings of the strategic programmes will need to be dealt with, case by case, as new decisions in their own right;






approves the actions in the strategic programmes in the Action Plan to which the Council has committed, within existing resources;






endorses the strategy and refer it to the Sheffield Executive Board, the Local Enterprise Partnership, the Combined Authority and to the local Equality Hub Network for their consideration; and






asks partners to review and report on progress on an annual basis.





Reasons for Decision




The purpose of the report is to seek endorsement and approval, from Cabinet, for the Needs Assessment,  the Tackling Poverty Strategy (which incorporates the Child Poverty Strategy) and the associated Action Plan. In particular, this report seeks Cabinet endorsement for:

           the vision

           the strategic programmes

           the initial commitments made by the Council for the actions that fall within its areas of responsibility.




Approving and implementing the Tackling Poverty Strategy will provide a clear, city-wide focus on reducing Child Poverty and household poverty and inequalities, in line with the Council’s Corporate Plan commitments, and the recommendations set out in the Fairness Commission report.  The strategy is also a statutory document under the Child Poverty Act (2010).




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




An alternative option would have been to develop a strategy just focused on children and young people. We took a conscious decision not to do that as we believe that we cannot tackle poverty for children without tackling poverty and building resilience in individuals, families and the communities in which they live. With this in mind, with increasing concerns over widening poverty in the City and in the light of the evidence set out by the Fairness Commission, we have therefore chosen to broaden our approach. Whilst the Tackling Poverty Strategy (2015-18) will incorporate the statutory Child Poverty Strategy it will be encompassed within a strategic approach and document designed to tackle all-age poverty.  




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Jayne Ludlam, Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee




The Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families submitted a report in relation to the Tackling Poverty Strategy.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





endorses the vision for tackling poverty in the City;






approves the Needs Assessment;






approves the City’s Tackling Poverty Strategy, developed in partnership with other stakeholders in the City;






approves the Strategic Outcomes, noting that any activities or actions developed in future under the broad headings of the strategic programmes will need to be dealt with, case by case, as new decisions in their own right;






approves the actions in the strategic programmes in the Action Plan to which the Council has committed, within existing resources;






endorses the strategy and refers it to the Sheffield Executive Board, the Local Enterprise Partnership, the Combined Authority and to the local Equality Hub Network for their consideration; and






asks partners to review and report on progress on an annual basis.





Reasons for Decision




The purpose of the report is to seek endorsement and approval, from Cabinet, for the Needs Assessment,  the Tackling Poverty Strategy (which incorporates the Child Poverty Strategy) and the associated Action Plan. In particular, this report seeks Cabinet endorsement for:

           the vision

           the strategic programmes

           the initial commitments made by the Council for the actions that fall within its areas of responsibility.




Approving and implementing the Tackling Poverty Strategy will provide a clear, city-wide focus on reducing child poverty and household poverty and inequalities, in line with the Council’s Corporate Plan commitments, and the recommendations set out in the Fairness Commission report.  The strategy is also a statutory document under the Child Poverty Act (2010).




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




An alternative option would have been to develop a strategy just focused on children and young people. We took a conscious decision not to do that as we believe that we cannot tackle poverty for children without tackling poverty and building resilience in individuals, families and the communities in which they live. With this in mind, with increasing concerns over widening poverty in the City and in the light of the evidence set out by the Fairness Commission, we have therefore chosen to broaden our approach. Whilst the Tackling Poverty Strategy (2015-18) will incorporate the statutory Child Poverty Strategy it will be encompassed within a strategic approach and document designed to tackle all-age poverty.  




Supporting documents: