Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



Councillor Roger Davison declared a personal interest in an application for erection of convenience foodstore (Use Class A1) with associated car parking accommodation and landscaping works, partial demolition and landscaping works, partial demolition of existing buildings and use of remaining building (No. 335) as part of proposed foodstore at 335 and 337 Ecclesall Road South (Case No. 14/00133/FUL), as he had submitted an objection to a previous application but he had not declared his position on this application.




Councillor Jack Clarkson declared a personal interest, as a Member of the Stocksbridge Town Council, in relation to an application for planning permission for the erection of one detached and two semi-detached dwellinghouses, plus the conversion and extension of the existing building to form a fourth dwellinghouse on land at the junction with Broomfield Court, Broomfield Road, Stocksbridge (Case No. 14/01392/OUT), and he stated that he would participate in its determination as he had not pre-determined his views at the meeting of the Town Council when the application was considered.


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