Agenda item

Tree Preservation Order No. 397 at 28 Dore Road, Sheffield

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Director of Regeneration and Development Services submitted a report outlining a response to objections received to Tree Preservation Order No. 808/397 which had been made in respect of trees situated on land at 28 Dore Road. The report referred to planning applications for the site where the foundations encroached within the root protection area of the trees.  It was stated that the group of trees in the front garden at the property had significant visual amenity and were an important element in the character of the streetscene on Dore Road, but were deemed to be under threat from the proposed developments at the property. The objections received to the Tree Preservation Order and responses to those objections and legal considerations were detailed.




The Committee heard oral representations at the meeting from an arboriculture consultant representing the owner of the property, in which he stated that there was no reason for the Tree Preservation Order as the planning application for the site had been approved. He further stated that the trees received good management and that the Order would create an administrative hurdle for future maintenance.  He also questioned the use of the TEMPO system for assessing Trees.  In response the officer stated that the trees were worthy of protection following the assessment, which was an established amenity assessment used by the City Council.




RESOLVED: That, following consideration of the objections, as now reported, Tree Preservation Order 808/352 on land at 28 Dore Road be confirmed unmodified.




(NOTE: At the commencement of the meeting, the Chair (Councillor Tony Downing) indicated that the above item was to be considered as an urgent item under Council Procedure Rule 26 of the Council’s Constitution, in view of the notice period for the Tree Preservation Order ending on 9 April 2015, and the need for it to be considered within the required six month period, although it had not been possible to give five clear days’ notice of the item.)


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