Agenda item

Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

Report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, Sheffield City Council concerning the response and progress update from the Health and Wellbeing Board to its Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Engagement Event with Chilypep, Sheffield Futures and Young Healthwatch in November 2014.





The Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, Sheffield City Council, submitted a report concerning a response and progress update from the Health and Wellbeing Board to its Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Engagement Event with Chilypep, Sheffield Futures and Young Healthwatch in November 2014. The report included an update on progress relating to actions and service redesign following recommendations made through the CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) scrutiny process.




John Doyle, Director of Business Strategy, Children, Young People and Families, Sheffield City Council, presented the report and outlined progress, including the completion of an Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health school pilot in 2014 to help test and define a model for Emotional Wellbeing provision and staff support. This had informed future services to support children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health. Funding had been identified to expand the pilot to 3 families of schools during 2015.




The Action Plan relating to the CAMHS scrutiny process was appended to the report submitted to the Board and summarised progress in areas including transitions, the role of schools and co-production.




Councillor Jackie Drayton informed the Board of key points arising from the workshop event, based on young people’s experiences. These included the development of clear pathways, emergency support and the development of a holistic service for young people aged 16-25. Whilst there was much to do, there had been progressive work with the CCG and NHS Trust on the recommendations.




Resolved: that the Board

(1)  Requests that a further review on progress and implementation be submitted to the Board during autumn 2015.

(2)  Notes actions and service redesign being taken forward as an outcome of the CAMHS Scrutiny process.

(3)  Thanks the Healthier Communities & Adult Social Care Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Working Group for its work in relation to the review of emotional wellbeing and mental health provision.



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