Agenda item

Task Group Report on Private Sector House Building

Report of the Policy and Improvement Officer



Matthew Borland, Policy and Improvement Officer, introduced the Task Group report on Private Sector House Building.  The Task Group had been established by the Committee to scrutinise the Council’s policies and practices to assess whether there were robust arrangements in place to meet this challenge, and to identify any additional measures required to facilitate more private sector house building in the City.




The report set out details of the work undertaken by, and the findings and recommendations of, the Task Group. 




The Chair referred to minor amendments to the wording in recommendations 1 and 2, set out in the report.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       notes and endorses the contents of the report now submitted, together with the amendments made to Recommendations 1 and 2 in the report, as set out in the paper now circulated;




(b)       expresses its thanks to those Members on the Task Group, for the excellent work undertaken as part of this scrutiny exercise; and




(c)        requests that consideration be given as to whether this work is included on its Work Programme for 2015/16.


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