Agenda item

Public Questions

To receive any questions from members of the public.



Public Question Concerning Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)




Adam Butcher asked a question concerning what was being done in relation to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and sexual exploitation services in the light of events in Rotherham and whether, in Sheffield, the right infrastructure was in place. He also asked for written response to his question.




Councillor Jackie Drayton, the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People  and Families, responded that the period of transition for young people aged 16 to 25 was often difficult and this was recognised by the Health and Wellbeing Board, the City Council and Health services. There was a review, which the Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and CAMHS were running with other partners in relation to how these transitions might be managed and that would be the subject of a report in the near future.




An innovative emotional wellbeing and mental health pilot had been run in one school and this pilot was being extended to some other schools.  Whilst there was support for emotional and mental health at a higher level of care, attempts were being made to make sure support and guidance was also available at other levels of need in line with the circumstances of a young person. In relation to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Services, robust systems were in place to help and support children and young people and Councillor Drayton added that she would supply Mr Butcher with further information in a written reply.




Councillor Julie Dore, the Leader of the Council, stated that an independent review of CSE services was completed to assess the impact of work being done with regard to CSE. This was also the subject of a Cabinet report and subsequent report to full Council.