Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Millhouses Cricket Pavilion, Millhouses Park, Abbeydale Road South, Sheffield, S7 2QL

Report of the Chief Licensing Officer



The Chief Licensing Officer submitted a report to consider an application for a premises licence made under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003.




Present at the meeting were Matt Summerhill, Millhouses Works Cricket Club, Applicant), Peter England (Objector), Kate Stow and Pete Stow (Objectors), Ted Gunby and Christine Gunby (Objectors), Robert Jackson (Objector) and Mike Hodson (Objector), Andy Ruston (Licensing Enforcement and Technical Officer), Marie-Claire Frankie (Solicitor to the Sub-Committee) and Jennie Skiba (Democratic Services).




Marie-Claire Frankie outlined the procedure which would be followed during the hearing.




Andy Ruston presented the report to the Sub-Committee and it was noted that representations had been received from members of the public.  Details of the objections were attached at Appendix “B” to the report.




Peter England, representative of Millhouses Park Bowling Club stated that his main objection to the application was that he felt that, along with all the other parks in the City, Millhouses Park is family friendly and he hoped that the environment could be kept alcohol-free.  He added that there are three public houses within the close vicinity of the Park, which could adequately supply the needs of the public wishing to purchase alcohol.




Kate Stow, a member of the Friends of Millhouses Park Group stated that whilst she supported cricket being played in the Park, if the licence was granted, she felt that this would set a precedent for all the other Parks within the City to be licensed.  She added that she didn’t think the idea of alcohol being consumed within the confines of the Pavilion would be achievable as inevitably people would wander outside with their drinks to carry on watching the cricket.  Kate Stow also stated that the proposed licensable hours were too long and would cause a noise nuisance to local residents when leaving the Park late at night.  Kate Stow also stated that whilst the current owner is very amenable, if the premises were to change hands, future owners may be less so.  She further stated that the Waggon and Horses Public House recently applied to take over an area of the Park to use as a beer garden and that this was fiercely resisted for the same reasons to the opposition of this licence.




Ted Gunby, Chair of the Carterknowle and Millhouses Community Group stated that he had received many objections from members of the Group stating that the Park is used by lots of small children, and many family-friendly festivals and felt that families should have the right to the quiet enjoyment of the Park and that the sale of alcohol within the Park has no benefit to the Park or its many users.




In response to questions from Members and officers, the objectors stated that at the present time there are very few problems regarding anti-social behaviour within the Park, stating that a sculpture had been broken and a small amount of damage to the gardens, but largely there was nothing major.  Kate Stow added that if there were any disturbances they would ring the Police Community Support Officer.




Matt Summerhill, the Applicant stated that it was not the Cricket Club’s intention to upset anyone, but to sell alcohol to the players, members and their guests purely to generate income to improve facilities.  He added that with better facilities, the Club would be able to attract more junior, ladies and disabled teams.  He stated that the operating hours applied for where so that the Club could hold summer gala days, prize-giving evenings and maybe race nights, all with the intention of generating income.  He further stated that with a bigger and better Pavilion, it could be opened up for use by local groups such as mother and toddler groups, Friends of the Park Group, etc. 




In response to questions from Members, officers and the objectors, Mr. Summerhill stated that he was confident that members of the Cricket Club would not stray away from the Pavilion with alcohol and that no-one who is not a member would be served.  He added that members pay an annual subscription and memberships cards are issued so serving to anyone who is not a member would not be a problem. 




Mr. Summerhill stated that at present, when visiting teams have finished playing, the majority just want to get home and Members of Millhouses tend to go local public houses and he feels that if they could get a drink in the Pavilion, this would help generate the income needed to improve facilities. He added that he was not looking to run the Club as a commercial venture, but in order to obtain funding from Sport England, he needed to put together a business plan which would generate income.  He said that at present, the fees raised just about covered the cost of looking after the pitch and maintaining the premises.  He further stated that the Cricket Club is a small community club with no appetite for long opening hours, seven days per week.




Andy Ruston reported on the options open to the Sub-Committee.




RESOLVED: That the public and press and attendees involved in the application be excluded from the meeting before further discussion takes place on the grounds that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, if those persons were present, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information as described in paragraph 5 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.




Marie-Claire Frankie reported orally, giving legal advice on various aspects of the application.




At this stage in the proceedings, the meeting was re-opened to the public and press and attendees involved in the application.




RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee agrees to grant a Premises Licence in respect of Millhouses Cricket Pavilion, Millhouses Park, Abbeydale Road South, Sheffield, S7 2QL, subject to:-




(a)  alcohol being served only on days when cricket is being played or special events are being held relating to the Club; and




(b)  members only being served on production of membership cards and guest membership cards.




(The full reasons for the Sub-Committee’s decision will be included in the written Notice of Determination.)


Supporting documents: