Agenda item

The J.G.Graves Charitable Trust: Proposed Letting of Agricultural Land at Clough Lane and Mark Lane

Report of the Executive Director, Place (NOTE. The decision is to be made by Cabinet as Trustees of the J.G Graves Charity)




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report in relation to the proposed letting of agricultural land at Clough Lane and Mark Lane.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet acting as Charity Trustees in accordance with the powers given to the Council as Trustee in the Conveyance of the land to the Council resolve to:-





approve the granting of a ten year Farm Business Tenancy of land at Clough Lane and Mark Lane in accordance with the terms detailed in the report and the attached appendix; and






delegates authority to the Director of Capital and Major Projects to instruct the Director of Legal and Governance to complete the tenancy agreement in accordance with the approved terms and such other detailed provisions as he may consider appropriate to the letting.





Reasons for Decision




The proposed new letting will benefit the Charity by securing an enhanced rent, increasing the net income available for distribution to the beneficiaries of the Trust.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Freehold disposal of the land has been considered. Whilst it is understood that the specific consent of the Charity Commission would not be required for the sale of the land and for the proceeds to be invested and the income applied to achieve the objects of the Charity, it is considered that sale would be contrary to the express intentions of the gift by Alderman Graves.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report in relation to the proposed letting of agricultural land at Clough Lane and Mark Lane.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet, acting as Charity Trustees in accordance with the powers given to the Council as Trustee in the Conveyance of the land to the Council, resolve to:-





approve the granting of a ten year Farm Business Tenancy of land at Clough Lane and Mark Lane in accordance with the terms detailed in the report and the attached appendix; and






delegates authority to the Director of Capital and Major Projects to instruct the Director of Legal and Governance to complete the tenancy agreement in accordance with the approved terms and such other detailed provisions as he may consider appropriate to the letting.





Reasons for Decision




The proposed new letting will benefit the Charity by securing an enhanced rent, increasing the net income available for distribution to the beneficiaries of the Trust.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Freehold disposal of the land has been considered. Whilst it is understood that the specific consent of the Charity Commission would not be required for the sale of the land and for the proceeds to be invested and the income applied to achieve the objects of the Charity, it is considered that sale would be contrary to the express intentions of the gift by Alderman Graves.




Supporting documents: