Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.



Councillor Robert Murphy declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in the item numbered 11 on the Summons (Notice of Motion concerning energy efficiency of housing) on the grounds that he is employed in the solar energy industry.




Councillor Terry Fox declared a personal interest in the item numbered 10 on the Summons (Notice of Motion concerning the Trade Union Bill) as he was theNational President of NACODS (National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers).




Councillor John Campbell declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in the item numbered 10 on the Summons (Notice of Motion concerning the Trade Union Bill) as he was Unison Staff Side Chair, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals.




Councillor Richard Crowther declared a personal interest in the item numbered 16 on the Summons (Notice of Motion concerning the Ecclesall Road Sorting Office).




Councillor Nasima Akther declared a personal interest in the item numbered 9 on the Summons (Housing Of Asylum Seekers:  G4S’ Performance on the Home Office’s Compass Contract) as a Trustee of the City of Sanctuary.




Councilor Katie Condliffe declared a personal interest in the item numbered 17 on the Summons (Women’s Institute Centenary) as a member of the Women’s Institute.




Councillor Julie Dore declared a personal interest in the relation to the Public Questions item on the subject of Driver Only Trains, as she was a Director of Rail North.


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