Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



Councillor David Baker declared a personal interest in an application for planning permission for demolition and site clearance, erection of 88 dwellings, with access, parking, open space, landscaping and associated works (amended plans) at Dyson Refractories Ltd, Griffs Fireclay Works, Stopes Road (Case No. 15/00122/FUL) as he had been contacted by a number of members of the public in relation to the application. Councillor Baker stated that he had not declared his position on the application and came to it with an open mind.




Councillor Alan Law declared a personal interest in an application for planning permission for demolition and site clearance, erection of 88 dwellings, with access, parking, open space, landscaping and associated works (amended plans) at Dyson Refractories Ltd, Griffs Fireclay Works, Stopes Road (Case No. 15/00122/FUL) as an employee at the factory in the 1980’s.




Councillor Ibrar Hussain declared a personal interest in an application for planning permission for demolition and site clearance, erection of 88 dwellings, with access, parking, open space, landscaping and associated works (amended plans) at Dyson Refractories Ltd, Griffs Fireclay Works, Stopes Road (Case No. 15/00122/FUL) as he had also been contacted by a number of members of the public in relation to the application. Councillor Hussain stated that he had not declared his position on the application and came to it with an open mind.




Councillor Chris Rosling-Josephs declared a personal interest in agenda item 8 ‘Enforcement of Planning Control: 34 Leebrook Avenue’ (see minute 7 below) as he had been contacted by a number of members of the public in relation to the site but had not declared his position prior to the meeting.


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