Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public




Members of the public raised questions and the following responses were provided:-






Nigel Slack






(a)       Can this Committee reasonably be expected to pass judgement on a deal that is still under negotiation?






(b)       Can this Committee reasonably be expected to pass judgement on a deal without evidence from the public consultation?






The Chair stated that the discussion and debate at the Committee meeting was an important democratic part of the Council’s local consultation activity on the proposed agreement.  The role of the Committee was to scrutinise proposals, and the Committee would be able to do this by listening to the comments and view of the independent witnesses.  The Committee would not be making a decision on this issue, but would be asking challenging questions of the witnesses.  The comments, views and thoughts of local people offered through the consultation would be included when the proposed Devolution Agreement was discussed at full Council.






Alan Kewley






(a)       Election Process






(i)         Who decides the election process – Local or Central Government?






The Chair stated that the proposed election process for the City Region Mayor would be decided by Central Government. The details of the proposed elections were set out in the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill, which was currently moving through Parliament. It was expected to receive Royal Assent early in 2016. Amendments to the Bill were still being considered by Government and therefore, some of the proposals may be subject to change.






(ii)        ‘First past the post’ or ‘transferable votes’ until the winner has 50%?






The Chair stated that again, this was set out in the originally tabled version of the Bill, which suggests – First Past the Post Voting - if there are two or fewer candidates and people would have one vote and Supplementary Vote System – if there were three or more candidates with voters given a first and second preference vote.





(ii)          Term of office – how many years?







The Chair stated that, as set out in the Bill, the Secretary of State would introduce an Order to Parliament defining the terms of office of a Mayor, along with the dates of elections and the intervals between elections.






(b)       During Term of Office






(i)         How would the Mayor be held accountable?






The Chair stated that this was set out in the Sheffield City Region Devolution Agreement and the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill, and stated that there would be direct elections, the City Region Overview and Scrutiny Committee would oversee the role, the Mayor’s strategy would be to be subject to consultation with the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority (SCRCA) and the SCRCA could reject the strategies with a two thirds majority, and the Mayor’s budget could be amended with a two thirds majority of the SCRCA.






(ii)          Call-in procedure – e.g. could ‘no confidence’ vote by a SCR Scrutiny Committee?






The Chair stated that the Sheffield City Region had existing scrutiny arrangements, but the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill would set specific requirements. There were no formal powers to hold a “no confidence” vote, including for local government scrutiny. However, this would not necessarily prevent a scrutiny function from making a statement indicating “no confidence” in a decision or people making that decision, but this would not result in any formal process.






Martin Brighton






Is it not the issue that, in keeping with the majority that voted for no elected Mayor, we should not be discussing the terms and remit of an elected Executive Mayor that the people have rejected?






The Chair stated that she was confident that this issue would be addressed in the course of the meeting, through the contributions of witnesses. Mr Brighton indicated that he was satisfied with this approach.






Peter Hartley






(a)       Who is the head or acting head of the Sheffield Benefits Service, what is their e-mail address and do the employees of the Service work for, or get paid by, Capita or Sheffield City Council?






(b)       Why are members of the public no longer able to follow Parliament in public libraries?






The Chair stated that she would refer the above questions to relevant Council officers and ensure that a written response was sent to Mr Hartley.