Agenda item

Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order No. 406: Graham Point Flats, 405 Fulwood Road

Report of the Director of Regeneration and Development Services



The Director of Regeneration and Development Services submitted a report detailing Tree Preservation Order No. 406.  The report stated that the Order was made on 23 July 2015 to protect two mature sycamore trees within the grounds of Graham Point Flats, 405 Fulwood Road.  It was stated that the trees were to be removed, an assessment though considered that they were in good order and of high amenity value to the locality. They were also in a prominent location and made a positive contribution to Graham Point Flats.  A hawthorn, holly, early mature red oak and a group of three holly trees were also added to the Order due to their visual amenity value and contributed to the street scene and locality.  Various other trees on the land had been omitted from the Order due to their condition or limited amenity value.




RESOLVED: That, no objections having being received, Tree Preservation Order No. 406 made on 23 July 2015, in respect of trees on land at Graham Point Flats, 405 Fulwood Road, under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, be confirmed unmodified.


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