Agenda item

Capital Programme 2016/17

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Resources



The Interim Executive Director, Resources submitted a report setting out the proposed Capital Programme from 2016-17 onwards describing the programmes to be undertaken, listing the projects to be delivered and setting out the context in which it had been compiled.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet recommends to the meeting of the City Council on 4th March 2016:-





it notes the specific projects included in the years 2016-17 to 2021-22 programmes included in Appendix 9 to the report, and that Block allocations were included within the programme for noting at this stage and detailed proposals would be brought back for separate Member approval as part of the monthly monitoring procedures;






notes the proposed Capital Programme for the 5 years to 2021-22 as at Appendix 9 to the report; and






approves the Corporate Resource Pool (CRP) policy, outlined in Appendix 4 of the report, such that the commitment from the CRP is limited to one year and no CRP supported schemes are approved beyond 2016-17 unless explicitly stated, and that further reports would be brought to Members as part of the monthly approval process should the receipts position improve.





Reasons for Decision




The proposed projects within the Capital programme will improve the services  to the people of Sheffield




To formally record the Capital Programme in line with the Council’s annual budgetary procedures and gain Member approval for the policy on the management of the Corporate Resource Pool.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




A number of alternative courses of action are considered as part of the capital approval process undertaken by Officers before decisions are recommended to Members. The recommendations made to Members represent what Officers believe to be the best options available to the Council, in line with Council priorities, given the constraints on funding and the use to which funding is put within the Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Eugene Walker, Interim Executive Director, Resources




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In








(Note: This is subject to approval at Full Council at its meeting to be held on 4 March 2016 and is not subject to call-in).




The Interim Executive Director, Resources submitted a report setting out the proposed Capital Programme from 2016-17 onwards describing the programmes to be undertaken, listing the projects to be delivered and setting out the context in which it had been compiled.




As part of the Cabinet’s consideration of the report it was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee had noted the following recommendations, without amendment, as part of its consideration of the report earlier in the day.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet recommends to the meeting of the City Council on 4th March 2016:-





it notes the specific projects included in the years 2016-17 to 2021-22 programmes included in Appendix 9 to the report, and that Block allocations were included within the programme for noting at this stage and detailed proposals would be brought back for separate Member approval as part of the monthly monitoring procedures;






notes the proposed Capital Programme for the 5 years to 2021-22 as at Appendix 9 to the report; and






approves the Corporate Resource Pool (CRP) policy, outlined in Appendix 4 of the report, such that the commitment from the CRP is limited to one year and no CRP supported schemes are approved beyond 2016-17 unless explicitly stated, and that further reports would be brought to Members as part of the monthly approval process should the receipts position improve.





Reasons for Decision




The proposed projects within the Capital programme will improve the services  to the people of Sheffield




To formally record the Capital Programme in line with the Council’s annual budgetary procedures and gain Member approval for the policy on the management of the Corporate Resource Pool.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




A number of alternative courses of action are considered as part of the capital approval process undertaken by Officers before decisions are recommended to Members. The recommendations made to Members represent what Officers believe to be the best options available to the Council, in line with Council priorities, given the constraints on funding and the use to which funding is put within the Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme.




Supporting documents: