Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



Councillor Nasima Akther declared a personal interest in an application for reserved matters for the erection of 58 dwellinghouses with associated car parking accommodation and landscaping works (Application to approve details in relation to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale – matters reserved by 13/04204/RG3) at site of Abbeydale Grange School, Hastings Road (Case No. 15/03543/REM) as a Ward Councillor in the area of the proposed development.




The Chair (Councillor Alan Law) declared a personal interest in agenda item 14 ‘Review of Affordable Housing Obligation: Dyson Refractories Ltd., Griff Fireclay Works, Stopes Road’ as a former employee at the site.




Councillor David Baker declared a personal interest in agenda item 14 ‘Review of Affordable Housing Obligation: Dyson Refractories Ltd., Griff Fireclay Works, Stopes Road’ as a Ward Councillor for the area.


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