Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Shimlas, Unit 2-3, St. Mary's House, 11 London Road, Sheffield, S2 4LA

Report of the Chief Licensing Officer



The Chief Licensing Officer submitted a report to consider an application for a Premises Licence made under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003, in respect of the premises known as Shimlas, Unit 2-3, 11 London Road, Sheffield, S2 4LA.




Present at the meeting were Sean Gibbons (Health Protection Service, Objector), Clive Stephenson (Licensing Enforcement and Technical Officer), Marie-Claire Frankie (Solicitor to the Sub-Committee) and John Turner (Democratic Services).




Sean Gibbons stated that the Health Protection Service was objecting to the application on the grounds of public safety, and that despite several attempts, he had not been able to contact the applicant to arrange a site visit in order to discuss the areas of concern.  On this basis, Mr Gibbons was requesting that consideration of the application be deferred to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee to provide him with one further opportunity to contact the applicant.




RESOLVED: That in the light of the information now reported, approval be given for the consideration of the application to be deferred to a meeting of the Sub-Committee in four weeks’ time.



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