Agenda item

Declarations of Interest or Inability to Vote on the Setting of the Council Tax

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting, or an inability to vote on the setting of the Council Tax charge where there are arrears of at least two months on a Council Tax account they are solely or jointly liable for.



Declarations of interest by Members of the Council




During consideration of Amendment Number 2 on Agenda Item 5 – Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2017/18 (See Minute 7 below), Councillor Ian Saunders declared a personal interest in relation to paragraph (14)(xi) of the amendment on the grounds that he was a foster carer, and he indicated that, although he would vote on the amendment, he would abstain on that part of it.




During consideration of Amendment Number 3 on Agenda Item 5 – Revenue Budget and Capital Programme 2017/18 (See Minute 7 below), Councillors Talib Hussain and Mohammad Maroof declared personal interests in relation to those parts of the amendment that related to zero or low emission taxi vehicles, on the grounds that they were taxi drivers.




Prohibition from voting on the grounds of Council Tax arrears




No Members declared an inability to vote on the setting of the Council Tax on the grounds explained above.



Supporting documents: