Agenda item

Work Programme 2017/18

Report of the Policy and Improvement Officer



The Committee received a report of the Policy and Improvement Officer which set out its Work Programme for 2017/18.




Members made a number of suggestions in terms of issues they wished to be added to the Work Programme, including the former Ski Village, small businesses and bus travel. In response to comments from Councillor Rob Murphy, who queried why the Green Commission had been removed from the Work Programme,  Alice Nicholson stated that “Growing Sustainably: A Bold Plan for a Sustainable Sheffield” was the Council’s response to the Green Commission, and she was looking into the best way of dealing with the issue, and would report back thereon to a future meeting.




RESOLVED: That the Committee approves its Work Programme for 2017/18, subject to consideration being given to the inclusion of the additional items now referred to.


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