Agenda item

Order in which Notices of Motion are Listed on the Council Agenda

To approve, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.2 (as revised on 6th September 2017), a revised formula for the order in which Notices of Motion shall be listed on the Council Summons for ordinary meetings of the Council for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2017/18, as follows:-


October - LibDem/Labour/Labour/Green

November – UKIP/Labour/Labour/LibDem

December – Green/Labour/Labour/LibDem

February 2018 - LibDem/Labour/Labour/UKIP

April (28 March) - Labour/Labour/LibDem/Green




It was formally moved by Councillor Peter Rippon, and formally seconded by Councillor Michelle Cook, that approval be given, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.2 (as revised on 6th September 2017), to the new formula, set out in the agenda for this meeting, for the order in which Notices of Motion shall be listed on the agenda for ordinary meetings of the Council for the remainder of the municipal year 2017/18, subject to the clarification that the formula will apply to the October and November Council meetings only, and is indicative in terms of the December, February and April meetings pending a future decision to be taken by the Council regarding changes to the operation of its meetings from December onwards.




Whereupon it was moved by Councillor Douglas Johnson, and formally seconded by Councillor Alison Teal, as an amendment, that the Motion be amended by the deletion of the words “as revised on 6th September 2017” as they have the effect of restricting opposition parties from submitting motions.




On being put to the vote, the amendment was negatived.




The original motion was then put to the vote and carried as follows:-




RESOLVED: That approval be given, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.2 (as revised on 6th September 2017), to the new formula, set out in the agenda for this meeting, for the order in which Notices of Motion shall be listed on the agenda for ordinary meetings of the Council for the remainder of the municipal year 2017/18, subject to the clarification that the formula will apply to the October and November Council meetings only, and is indicative in terms of the December, February and April meetings pending a future decision to be taken by the Council regarding changes to the operation of its meetings from December onwards.