Agenda item

Members' Questions

8.1       Questions relating to urgent business – Council Procedure Rule 16.6(ii).


8.2       Supplementary questions on written questions submitted at this meeting – Council Procedure Rule 16.4.


8.3       Questions on the discharge of the functions of the South Yorkshire Joint Authorities for Fire and Rescue and Pensions – Section 41 of the Local Government Act 1985 – Council Procedure Rule 16.6(i).


            (NB. Minutes of recent meetings of the two South Yorkshire Joint Authorities have been made available to all Members of the Council via the following link -





RESOLVED: On the motion of Councillor Peter Rippon and seconded by Councillor David Baker, that, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.1, the order of business as published on the Council Summons be altered by taking item 8 on the agenda (Members’ Questions) as the next item of business.




Urgent Business




There were no questions relating to urgent business under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.6(ii).




(Note: The Lord Mayor (Councillor Anne Murphy), in response to a request from Councillor Douglas Johnson for permission to ask two questions, reported that she would not give permission for Councillor Johnson to ask the questions which he had submitted earlier this day regarding a recent court case, for the reason that the questions did not relate to urgent business that needed to be responded to at this meeting, but that, instead, Councillor Johnson may wish to seek written responses from the Leader of the Council, or to submit them to the next meeting.)








A schedule of questions to Cabinet Members, submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16, and which contained written answers, was circulated and supplementary questions, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.4, were asked and were answered by the appropriate Cabinet Members.




South Yorkshire Joint Authorities




The Lord Mayor (Councillor Anne Murphy) reported that Councillor Douglas Johnson had given advance notice of two questions relating to the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority, and this has enabled Councillor Ian Saunders, the Council’s Spokesperson on the Pensions Authority, to provide a detailed response.  She stated that written copies of the questions and response had been circulated in the Chamber.




There were no further questions relating to the discharge of the functions of the South Yorkshire Joint Authorities for Fire and Rescue or Pensions, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.6(i).








(Note: The Lord Mayor (Councillor Anne Murphy), in response to a request from Councillor Robert Murphy that an emergency motion be discussed, reported that the motion which Councillor Murphy had submitted earlier in the day did not meet the criteria in Council Procedure Rule 11(a)(ii) in that the subject matter of the motion [a recent court case] was known before the deadline for submission of motions.)








Supporting documents: