Agenda item

Sheffield Older People's Independent Living Housing Strategy 2017-2022

Report of the Executive Director, People Services.



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report presenting the Older People’s Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy to Cabinet, setting out how the Council planned to meet the housing needs and aspirations of Sheffield’s increasingly diverse and growing older population.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





notes the contents of the Older People’s Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy 2017– 2022 attached as an appendix to the report and approves it as a statement of the Council’s strategic approach to OPIL housing;






approves the Strategy’s Delivery Plan;






delegates authority to the Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services to make amendments to the Delivery Plan on the basis of further development as new opportunities are identified; and






notes that the implementation of any of the proposed actions may be subject to further decision making in accordance with the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation.





Reasons for Decision




Sheffield’s significant shortfall of age-friendly housing, which is greater than in comparable English cities, is testament to the need for a more strategic approach to delivering older people’s housing in the City. Without a more strategic, joined-up approach the current shortfall is likely to grow in line with the city’s growing older population and with it the costs to health and social care budgets.




The Strategy sets out a vision for age-friendly housing and neighbourhoods, and outlines priorities and actions for the Council and its partners to facilitate a more age-friendly housing offer and other support that will facilitate independent living among older age groups.




The Strategy provides a framework for monitoring progress in delivering more age-friendly housing and support for independent living among older age-groups.




The Strategy is aligned with current corporate priorities and supports the Council’s ambition for facilitating an age-friendly city as outlined in the City for All Ages framework.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The main alternative considered was delivering the Strategy’s priorities through a refresh of the Council’s current Housing Strategy 2013-23 action plan. This refresh was not progressed, however, because of an increased focus of resources towards housing growth and the subsequent development of a new Housing Strategy Statement to provide a clear strategic plan for housing as part of the Council’s wider Growth Strategy.




Another alternative was to not develop the Strategy and rely on existing programmes and the market to deliver the general needs and specialist OPIL housing required. The current lack of planned delivery strongly suggests that this is unlikely to happen in the current economic and housing market context, and current shortfalls are projected to increase in line with Sheffield’s growing ageing population in the absence of a more strategic approach being adopted.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Laraine Manley, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Safer and Stronger Communities




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report presenting the Older People’s Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy to Cabinet, setting out how the Council planned to meet the housing needs and aspirations of Sheffield’s increasingly diverse and growing older population.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





notes the contents of the Older People’s Independent Living (OPIL) Housing Strategy 2017– 2022 attached as an appendix to the report and approves it as a statement of the Council’s strategic approach to OPIL housing;






approves the Strategy’s Delivery Plan;






delegates authority to the Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services to make amendments to the Delivery Plan on the basis of further development as new opportunities are identified; and






notes that the implementation of any of the proposed actions may be subject to further decision making in accordance with the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation.





Reasons for Decision




Sheffield’s significant shortfall of age-friendly housing, which is greater than in comparable English cities, is testament to the need for a more strategic approach to delivering older people’s housing in the City. Without a more strategic, joined-up approach the current shortfall is likely to grow in line with the city’s growing older population and with it the costs to health and social care budgets.




The Strategy sets out a vision for age-friendly housing and neighbourhoods, and outlines priorities and actions for the Council and its partners to facilitate a more age-friendly housing offer and other support that will facilitate independent living among older age groups.




The Strategy provides a framework for monitoring progress in delivering more age-friendly housing and support for independent living among older age-groups.




The Strategy is aligned with current corporate priorities and supports the Council’s ambition for facilitating an age-friendly city as outlined in the City for All Ages framework.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The main alternative considered was delivering the Strategy’s priorities through a refresh of the Council’s current Housing Strategy 2013-23 action plan. This refresh was not progressed, however, because of an increased focus of resources towards housing growth and the subsequent development of a new Housing Strategy Statement to provide a clear strategic plan for housing as part of the Council’s wider Growth Strategy.




Another alternative was to not develop the Strategy and rely on existing programmes and the market to deliver the general needs and specialist OPIL housing required. The current lack of planned delivery strongly suggests that this is unlikely to happen in the current economic and housing market context, and current shortfalls are projected to increase in line with Sheffield’s growing ageing population in the absence of a more strategic approach being adopted.




Supporting documents: