Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve the minutes of the meetings of Committee held on 11th December, 2017



The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 11th December 2017, were approved as a correct record, subject to the amendment of Item 1 (Apologies for Absence), by the addition of Alison Warner (School Governor Representative - Non-Council Non-Voting Member), and arising therefrom, the Chair stated that:-




(a)      further to the comments made in connection with how Members would like to see the scope of the scrutiny exercise on Child Poverty narrowed down, a decision had been taken, based on Members’ comments, to focus on the link between child poverty and access to free school meals/breakfast clubs/nutritious meals during the holidays, and which had now been included on the Committee’s Work Programme 2017/18 to this effect;




(b)      he had forwarded the briefing paper – Social Market Foundation – ‘Commission on Equality in Education’ to the Sheffield Executive Board for comment, but had not yet received a response;




(c)      once the issue of clarity had been established as to how child trafficking was to be dealt with at a local, political level, the Committee would have to decide whether it wished to look into the issue further; and




(d)      that further to Item 8 (Sheffield Sexual Exploitation Service - Annual Report 2016/17), he was awaiting guidance in terms of how the Committee’s request to have more detailed information in future Annual Reports on how the Sexual Exploitation Service works with those young people who have experienced sexual exploitation, in the long-term, in order to help them deal with the trauma involved, and to plan an appropriate survival strategy, could be dealt with.


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