Agenda item

Annual Report on Grants and Returns 2016/17

Report of KPMG


8.1       Matt Ackroyd, Manager, KPMG, introduced the annual report on grants and returns 2016/17 which summarised the results of work KPMG had carried out on the Council’s 2016/17 grant claims and returns.


8.2       Mr Ackroyd reported that there had only been one claim certified as part of the PSAA regime in relation to Housing Benefit Subsidy which had a value of £190.8 million.


8.3       Following completion of the work, the claim was subject to a qualification letter and in summary it was qualified on four issues and raised five observations.  It was advised that the Housing Subsidy claim was large and complex; therefore it was not unusual for issues to be identified.


8.4       Under separate assurance engagements three returns had been certified for Pooling Capital Receipts, Teachers’ Pension Return and SFA subcontracting arrangements.


8.5       RESOLVED: that the Committee notes the annual report on grants and returns 2016/17.

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