Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.



Council Policy on Outsourcing




Mr Nigel Slack re-iterated the question he asked at the Council meeting on 3rd October, 2012, specifically, would this Council undertake to carry out a root and branch re-valuation of it's attitude to outsourcing and put firm policies in place to limit it's scope and to extend it's transparency and accountability?  




In asking his question, Mr Slack requested a clearer response, also commenting that he was happy to place on record his confidence that the Sheffield contract management staff are professionals, who place a high regard on the probity of their duties. He further commented that it had also been shown, however, that they could get too close to the task at hand and lose some overall vision. He stated that the he was meeting the Council’s Commercial Director to explore areas of agreement for improvement.




Councillor Bryan Lodge (Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources) apologised if Mr Slack did not feel the answer he received at the Council meeting was clear, but responded that Sheffield had been found to be one of the most robust organisations across the public sector in terms of its management of its outsourcing arrangements, receiving many complements from central Government and other organisations and commonly being regarded as a beacon of good practice in this area. He, therefore, did not feel it would be beneficial or appropriate to conduct a root and branch re-evaluation of its approach to outsourcing.




Public Questions Procedure




Mr Nigel Slack commented that the current 'Public Questions' procedures was failing members of the public. This lack of clarity could have been addressed at the full Council meeting if the opportunity existed for me to comment on the reply he received at that point. He was aware that the Council was taking some steps to improve the Council's connection to the public, at a meeting on the 23rd October about Community Assemblies, etc. Mr Slack asked that, in the meantime, would the Council suggest to the Chairs of all meetings that they are as strict about Councillors answering the questions as they sometimes are about members of the public asking them?




Councillor Harry Harpham (Cabinet Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods) responded that the conduct of Councillors in all meetings was governed by a Code of Conduct  and that, Chairs of meetings, in his experience, ran meetings very well, in an atmosphere where Councillors could be passionate about a variety of issues. However, he would personally take on board Mr Slack’s comments and bear them in mind in the future. 




Councillor Mazher Iqbal (Cabinet Member for Communities and Inclusion) added that the meeting Mr Slack referred to on 23rd October was organised by Sheffield for democracy but that the Council had helped to facilitate that meeting.




Openness, Transparency etc.




Mr Martin Brighton asked the following questions which he had intended to ask of Councillor Julie Dore, and which, he requested, should be responded to by Cabinet Members as either a “yes” or “no” answer:-




Do you know why you have not received this Citizen’s questions in writing? Counciilor Harry Harpham (Cabinet Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods) responded that he did not.




Do you agree that elected Members should be able to decide what they can and cannot read? Councillor Harry Harpham responded that of course they should.




Is it right to sacrifice transparency for reputational management? Councillor Harry Harpham indicated that he was unable to answer the question in a “yes” or “no” fashion.




Did Councillor Julie Dore know why she had not received my e-mail requested by her at the last meeting of the City Council? Councillor Harry Harpham indicated that he would refer this question to Councillor Julie Dore.




Do you agree with the concept of having a Speaker’s Corner in the City Centre and with the sentiments of Jeremy Clifford of The Star newspaper supporting Freedom of Speech and the Public’s “Right to Know”? Councillor Harry Harpham responded that he fully supported Freedom of Speech but was unable to comment on the newspaper article Mr Brighton referred to as he had not seen it.




Does your open, transparent and accountable Council believe in freely disclosing information rather than forcing Freedom of Information request? Councillor Harry Harpham indicated that he was unable to answer the question in a “yes” or “no” fashion.