Report of the Executive Director, Place.
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The Executive Director, Place submitted a report advising Cabinet of the request received from the Home Office that the Council continues to resettle refugees under the new UK Resettlement Scheme. The report states that it is a requirement of the new scheme to maintain support for these refugees for five years from arrival. A working relationship is in place with Migration Yorkshire which can be developed to provide resettlement for this new joint scheme.
It was reported that the programme is fully funded and does not incur additional costs to the Council.
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RESOLVED: that Cabinet: -
(a) notes the contents of the report and in particular that the programme is fully funded and does not incur additional costs to the Council.;
(b) approves the acceptance of Home Office funding by entering into an extension to the partnership agreement with Migration Yorkshire to deliver the UK Resettlement Scheme to refugee arrivals between April 2020 and March 2021;
(c) agrees that the existing funding agreement with Leeds City Council, as the regional accountable body, for delivery of the Syrian Vulnerable Person’s Resettlement Scheme in Sheffield be varied to provide funding to the Council to continue providing resettlement and support under the new joint UK Resettlement Scheme;
(d) delegates authority to the Executive Director, Place, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Commercial Services, to instruct the Director of Legal and Governance Services to finalise terms and complete the necessary documentation;
(e) authorises the Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods to accept 120 refugee arrivals with a potential increase up to a maximum of 150 refugees; and
(f) authorises the Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods to continue this arrangement on the same terms for a further three years provided there are no significant changes to the scheme and its related finance model.
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Reasons for Decision |
The Council now has over 15 years’ experience of management and delivery of Refugee resettlement programmes, the longest involvement of any local authority in the UK. The UK government has committed to resettling the most vulnerable refugees, bringing people to the UK who have fled the war, persecution and are temporarily based in neighbouring countries. The UK Resettlement Scheme is funded by central government, with money provided at a level which funds the Council and its delivery partners to provide services and support to refugees for a period of up to 5 years following arrival in the city. |
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Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
If the Council does not enter into the UK Resettlement Scheme with the Home Office via Leeds City Council for Migration Yorkshire it would mean that refugees waiting for resettlement may not be offered a place of sanctuary. It could affect national targets to resettle refugees. |
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Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted |
None |
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Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration |
None |
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Respective Director Responsible for Implementation |
Laraine Manley, Executive Director Place |
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Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In |
Safer and Stronger Communities. |
16.1 |
The Executive Director, Place submitted a report advising Cabinet of the request received from the Home Office that the Council continues to resettle refugees under the new UK Resettlement Scheme. The report states that it is a requirement of the new scheme to maintain support for these refugees for five years from arrival. A working relationship is in place with Migration Yorkshire which can be developed to provide resettlement for this new joint scheme.
It was reported that the programme is fully funded and does not incur additional costs to the Council.
16.2 |
RESOLVED: that Cabinet: -
(a) notes the contents of the report and in particular that the programme is fully funded and does not incur additional costs to the Council.;
(b) approves the acceptance of Home Office funding by entering into an extension to the partnership agreement with Migration Yorkshire to deliver the UK Resettlement Scheme to refugee arrivals between April 2020 and March 2021;
(c) agrees that the existing funding agreement with Leeds City Council, as the regional accountable body, for delivery of the Syrian Vulnerable Person’s Resettlement Scheme in Sheffield be varied to provide funding to the Council to continue providing resettlement and support under the new joint UK Resettlement Scheme;
(d) delegates authority to the Executive Director, Place, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Commercial Services, to instruct the Director of Legal and Governance Services to finalise terms and complete the necessary documentation;
(e) authorises the Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods to accept 120 refugee arrivals with a potential increase up to a maximum of 150 refugees; and
(f) authorises the Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods to continue this arrangement on the same terms for a further three years provided there are no significant changes to the scheme and its related finance model.
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Reasons for Decision |
The Council now has over 15 years’ experience of management and delivery of Refugee resettlement programmes, the longest involvement of any local authority in the UK. The UK government has committed to resettling the most vulnerable refugees, bringing people to the UK who have fled the war, persecution and are temporarily based in neighbouring countries. The UK Resettlement Scheme is funded by central government, with money provided at a level which funds the Council and its delivery partners to provide services and support to refugees for a period of up to 5 years following arrival in the city. |
16.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
If the Council does not enter into the UK Resettlement Scheme with the Home Office via Leeds City Council for Migration Yorkshire it would mean that refugees waiting for resettlement may not be offered a place of sanctuary. It could affect national targets to resettle refugees. |
Supporting documents: