Agenda item

Items Called-In For Scrutiny

The Director of Legal and Governance will inform the Cabinet of any items called in for scrutiny since the last meeting of the Cabinet.




Call-in of Decisions




It was noted that there had been no items called-in for scrutiny since the last meeting of the Cabinet.




Scrutiny of the 2020/21 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme Report




A report of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee was circulated at the meeting, outlining the outcome of the Committee’s consideration, at its meeting held on 14th February 2020, of the 2020/21 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme report, which was to be considered at today’s Cabinet meeting.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet notes the recommendation made by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee that Cabinet approves the recommendations in the report on the 2020/21 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme without amendment.






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