Agenda item

Healthwatch Update



Judy Robinson gave a verbal update on the work of Healthwatch.  Some of the immediate feedback was not research but was an indication of what was coming.



Further to John’s Campaign regarding visiting people in care homes there had been 23 responders in Sheffield.  Only five carers had received regular updates from the care home, 11 had received no update at all.  This showed the importance of communication and there was a need for a link for families to be able to maintain communications with care homes.  A full report was to be published, but services needed to reflect on how communication could be maintained.



A report was being published about carer’s and GP services.  This was an area which needed to be looked at as carer’s were vital.



Dentistry was a common issue during the pandemic.  Healthwatch was trying to obtain guidance from the Dentistry Council as the lack of access to dental care had a knock on effect to health.



Healthwatch were currently asking for information on BAME maternity services.



Another area that had been repeatedly reported on was interpreters in hospitals for deaf people.  The situation was not changing.



Full reports on the subjects were available on the Healthwatch website., along with information on how they thread into future planning.



Terry Hudsen expressed his disappointment that dentistry was still difficult to access and noted that although the was no representative of NHS England present at the Board, but this would be fed back to them.



The Chair noted that the issue had been raised with the Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee and there was a need to strengthen the relationship with the Committee.



Judy Robinson welcomed the discussion and work around guidance on risk and visiting care homes.



AGREED that the update be noted.