Report of the Interim Executive Director, Place
*(NOTE: Appendices B and C to the report at item 13 in the agenda are not available to the public and press because they contains exempt information described in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.)
12.1 |
The Interim Executive Director, Place, submitted a report seeking approval for proposals to assist the Streets Ahead Highways Maintenance Contract’s long-term performance through changes to the payment mechanism and improving the quality and consistency of the service. The proposals include a significant annual saving to the Council for the remaining term of the Contract. |
12.2 |
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:- |
(a) approves the proposed changes to the Performance Requirements (Schedule 2) as set out in appendix one; and
(b) approves the proposed changes to the Payment Mechanism (Schedule 4) as set out in this report
12.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
12.3.1 |
The recommendations to approve the proposals within the report, realise the benefits of a sustainable Streets Ahead contract without any material change to the service delivered but a significant annual financial saving to the Council. |
12.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
12.4.1 |
The alternative to accepting this proposal is to do nothing. This would mean the existing Streets Ahead performance requirements would continue and the performance mechanism would not be amended to make the contract delivery more sustainable.
Moreover, the Council would not get the benefit of £1.7m reduction in the unitary charge. This saving to the Streets Ahead contract will enable the Council to invest in other front-line services as balancing the budget remains challenging. |
12.5 |
Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted |
None |
12.6 |
Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration |
Appendices B and C of the report are not for publication by virtue of Regulation 20(2) Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 because, in the opinion of the proper officer, it contains exempt information under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. |
12.7 |
Respective Director Responsible for Implementation |
Mick Crofts, Interim Executive Director, Place |
12.8 |
Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In |
Economic and Environmental Wellbeing Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee |
12.1 |
The Interim Executive Director, Place, submitted a report seeking approval for proposals to assist the Streets Ahead Highways Maintenance Contract’s long-term performance through changes to the payment mechanism and improving the quality and consistency of the service. The proposals include a significant annual saving to the Council for the remaining term of the Contract. |
12.2 |
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:- |
(a) approves the proposed changes to the Performance Requirements (Schedule 2) as set out in appendix one; and
(b) approves the proposed changes to the Payment Mechanism (Schedule 4) as set out in this report
12.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
12.3.1 |
The recommendations to approve the proposals within the report, realise the benefits of a sustainable Streets Ahead contract without any material change to the service delivered but a significant annual financial saving to the Council. |
12.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
12.4.1 |
The alternative to accepting this proposal is to do nothing. This would mean the existing Streets Ahead performance requirements would continue and the performance mechanism would not be amended to make the contract delivery more sustainable.
Moreover, the Council would not get the benefit of £1.7m reduction in the unitary charge. This saving to the Streets Ahead contract will enable the Council to invest in other front-line services as balancing the budget remains challenging. |
Supporting documents: