Agenda item

Progress on High Opinion Audit Reports

Report of the Senior Finance Manager





9.1      The Senior Finance Manager, Internal Audit, submitted a report providing an updated position on implementation of recommendations contained in audit reports issued with a high opinion or a limited/no assurance opinion and high organisational impact assessment.


9.2      The report had recently been to Executive Management Team (EMT) and the new Chief Executive Officer was very supportive of the work and requested that a RAG rating be included to the report.  Any critical recommendations have also been allocated a nominated EMT member.


9.3      There were currently two critical recommendations, OHMS system recommendation being taken forward by Mick Crofts, Executive Director - Place and Software Licensing recommendation being taken forward by Eugene Walker, Executive Director – Resources.


9.4      Following questions from members it was advised that the Chief Executive and EMT agreed that there would be a consistent approach for each portfolio to be able to track recommendations, for example through SharePoint.  Priority would be given to red and amber recommendations.



9.5      RESOLVED: - that the Committee


1)    Notes the content of the report


2)    Agrees to the removal of the following from the tracker report


·       Revenues and Benefits Contact Centre

·       Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Review


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