Report of the Director of Legal and Governance.
The Director of Legal and Governance, Gillian Duckworth, highlighted the report and explained that the Annual Governance Statement formed part of the Councils statutory accounts. The statement was intended to identify any significant control weaknesses and to set out how the Council intended to address any weaknesses identified. This statement was for the municipal year 2020/21.
The Director of Legal and Governance mentioned that the Council has a duty to carry out an annual review of the effectiveness of the Governance framework.
The Statement has two additional areas highlighted, the impact of COVID 19 which has resulted in the areas of weakness identified in the Annual Governance Statement being similar to the previous statement. Secondly, the report refers to the referendum in May 2021 which has resulted in a change to the Councils Governance arrangements from May 2022.
The Chair asked how many Council employees had carried out the fraud awareness e-learning course. The Senior Finance Manager for Internal Audit explained that the course was not mandatory although staff were encouraged to complete it. Currently, reports did show that not many employees have completed the course.
RESOLVED: - that the Committee notes the content of the Annual Governance Statement.
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