Report of the Head of Strategic Finance.
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The Head of Strategic Finance, Dave Phillips, explained the purpose of the report is to communicate what factors to be considered when re-procuring the Council’s external audit service.
The Council currently had a 5-year contract with Ernst & Young (external auditors) which was procured nationally through Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA). The Majority of Councils including Sheffield, opted-in to the national procurement process rather than procuring auditors themselves.
Although the Council was only 3-years into the contract, the PSAA was starting the process of the next re-procurement exercise, and as part of this giving all councils the option on whether they would like to opt-in to the national procurement process again, or if they would like to re-procure themselves, or jointly with other councils.
The Head of Strategic Finance highlighted that the report explained the different options and recommended that the Council chose to opt-in with PSAA again for re-procuring external auditors.
RESOLVED: - That the committee endorses the decision to opt-in to PSAA re-procurement.
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