7.1 Rosie stated that they had commissioned Healthwatch to assist; however, she stated there had only been a limited budget for this. She recommended that this figure by doubled from £10,000 per annum to £20,000 per annum.
7.2 Rosie asked that the Engagement Working Group continue to work as a steering group going forward.
7.3 Helen clarified that Healthwatch works with individuals rather than the VCS.
7.4 George thanked those who were involved in this work and report. He stated that he felt it was important that what the Engagement Working Group had requested was met. He said that the Board did not then have allocated funds and asked that the full partnership of the Board could work together to try to get this funding. He stated that he felt it was important that there be a clear idea of how to work with existing partners and bring in additional staff.
7.5 Judy stated she agreed with George and added that she felt it was important to connect together the work already being carried out.
7.3 Terry suggested that the phrase ‘the Engagement Working Group begins to define…’ be used.
7.7 Terry noted that financial decisions could not be made here but added that the Board would support these suggestions.
7.8 George suggested that wording along the lines of ‘the Board agrees an ambition’ be added.
7.9 Rosie stated that improving the sharing of information would be less costly longer term.
7.10 AGREED: The Engagement Working Group’s requests were agreed upon.
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