Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.





Councillor Cate McDonald declared a personal interest in item 4(b) (Petition Requiring Debate) (item 3.4 of these minutes) on the grounds that she is a Council-nominated observer on the Board of Sheffield City Trust.








In relation to agenda item 7 (Notice of Motion Regarding "Energy") (item 6 of these minutes), the following Members declared personal interests for the reasons stated:-











Councillor Barbara Masters

She is one of the founder shareholders of Sheffield Renewables



Councillor Alexi Dimond

He is a shareholder in Sheffield Renewables and an employee of City of Sanctuary



Councillor Fran Belbin

She is a shareholder in Sheffield Renewables







In relation to agenda item 9 (Notice of Motion Regarding "Doing More For The Armed Forces Community") (item 8 of these minutes), the following Members declared personal interests for the reasons stated:-











Councillor Bryan Lodge

He is a member of the Royal British Legion



Councillor Denise Fox

She is a member of the Royal British Legion; an honorary member of HMS Sheffield; and supporter of the Normandy Veterans



Councillor Karen McGowan

She is a member of the Royal British Legion



Councillor Paul Wood

He is a member of several organisations associated with veterans and the armed forces



Councillor Garry Weatherall

He is a member of the Royal British Legion











Supporting documents: