Agenda item

The Making of Dore Neighbourhood Plan

To approve, with or without amendment, the recommendations in the report of the Executive Director, Place, published with this agenda, on the result of the Dore Neighbourhood Plan Referendum and to outline the steps to be taken in consequence of its outcome.




It was formally moved by Councillor Julie Grocutt, and formally seconded by Councillor Douglas Johnson, that approval be given to the recommendations in the report of the Executive Director, Place, now submitted, on the result of the Dore Neighbourhood Plan Referendum and outlining the steps to be taken in consequence of its outcome.




Whereupon, it was formally moved by Councillor Joe Otten, and formally seconded by Councillor Andrew Sangar, as an amendment, that the recommendations in the report of the Executive Director, Place, be approved with the addition of a new paragraph (c) as follows:-




(c)      notes the increase in the local portion in the plan area from 15% to 25% as required by legislation; believes that this requirement is vitiated by the current policy of redistribution of the local Community Infrastructure Levy portion between areas of Sheffield, and asks the Co-operative Executive to bring forward proposals to ensure that areas covered by Neighbourhood Plans should retain the full 25% local portion for expenditure in the plan area, control of such expenditure to be delegated to the relevant Local Area Committees.




The amendment was put to the vote and was negatived.




The recommendations in the report were then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-




RESOLVED: That this Council:-




(a)      notes the outcome of the Dore Neighbourhood Plan Referendum, as outlined in the report of the Executive Director, Place, now submitted; and




(b)      resolves to ‘make’ the Dore Neighbourhood Plan such that it is adopted as a planning document as part of Sheffield’s Statutory Development Plan.









Supporting documents: