Agenda item

Updates to the Council's Constitution

To approve, with or without amendment, the recommendations in the report of the Director of Legal and Governance published with this agenda. providing details of changes to the Constitution as a result of the establishment of Local Area Committees, Transitional Committees and the Governance Committee, and changes to the number and remits of Scrutiny and Policy Development Committees, in this municipal year.




It was formally moved by Councillor Julie Grocutt, and formally seconded by Councillor Douglas Johnson, that approval be given to the recommendations in the report of the Director of Legal and Governance now submitted, regarding changes to the Constitution as a result of the establishment of Local Area Committees, Transitional Committees and the Governance Committee, and changes to the number and remits of Scrutiny and Policy Development Committees, in this municipal year.




Whereupon, it was formally moved by Councillor Joe Otten, and formally seconded by Councillor Sue Alston, as an amendment, that the recommendations in the report of the Director of Legal and Governance be approved, subject to the inclusion of the following addition to the terms of reference of the Transitional Committees:-




(e)    Supporting Transition

        Consider what powers and budgets under the related portfolio areas should be devolved to Area Committees, and to make recommendations to the Co-operative Executive.




The amendment was put to the vote and was carried.




The recommendations in the report, as now amended, were then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-




RESOLVED: That the amendments to Part 3 (Responsibility For Functions) and Part 4 (Rules of Procedure) of the Constitution made by the Director of Legal and Governance by the insertion of (a) Terms of Reference for the Area Committees, the Governance Committee, the Scrutiny and Policy Development Committees and the Transitional Committees and (b) Procedure Rules for the Area Committees, attached to the report of the Director of Legal and Governance, now submitted, be approved subject to the inclusion of the following addition to the terms of reference of the Transitional Committees:-




(e)  Supporting Transition

Consider what powers and budgets under the related portfolio areas should be devolved to Area Committees, and to make recommendations to the Co-operative Executive.









Supporting documents: