Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan and HRA Budget 2022/23

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The report provided the 2022/23 update of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan. It included proposals to:


• Deliver our stock increase programme to build and acquire more council homes to    meet our target of 3,100 homes by 2028/29


• Deliver improvements to our tenants’ homes to make sure they continue to be well maintained


• Deliver year on year targets to achieve the ‘Better Repairs Project’


• Invest in fire safety measures to ensure our council homes comply with the emerging building safety legislative environment


• Deliver on plans to ensure all Sheffield City Council homes reach Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) level C by 2030


• By 2022, produce a roadmap showing further options for council housing’s contribution to achieving Sheffield’s ambition of net-zero by 2030


• Focus on the quality of our customer service offer – improving customer access, the management of complaints and implementing recommendations from the Race Equality Commission


• Deliver improvements to the frontline neighbourhood housing services our tenants receive


•  Work closely with Council colleagues to support the development of Local Area Committees across the city


• Consult with tenants over plans to charge for enhanced services and introduce cost recovery for some repair and housing management activities


•  Develop apprenticeship, employment, and training opportunities to create a workforce representative of housing communities across the city


  Invest in updating our information technology infrastructure to seamlessly integrate with the wider Council systems


•  Develop more agile ways of working as we learn to adapt post COVID-19 and address any remaining backlogs caused by the pandemic




RESOLVED: That Co-operative Executive:-


recommends to the meeting of the City Council on 2 February 2022 that it



  1. Approves the HRA Business Plan report for 2022/23;


  1. Approves the HRA Revenue Budget 2022/23 as set out in the financial appendix to the report;


  1. Rents for council dwellings are increased by 4.1% from April 2022 in line with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Rent Standard;


  1. Rents for temporary accommodation are increased by 4.1% for 2022/23;


  1. Garage rents for garage plots and garage sites are increased by 4.1% from April 2022;


  1. The community heating kWh unit charge is increased from 3.04 pence to 5.69 pence from April 2022. The standing charge is also increased from £4.80 to £4.90 per week from April 2022;


  1. The sheltered housing charge is increased by 3.1% for 2022/23;


  1. The burglar alarm charge is increased by 3.1% for 2022/23; and


  1. The furnished accommodation charge is increased by 3.1% for 2022/23.




Reasons for Decision




To optimise the number of good quality affordable council homes in the city;




To maximise the financial resources to deliver key outcomes for tenants and the city in the context of a self-financing funding regime;




To ensure that tenants’ homes continue to be well maintained and to optimise investment in estates; and




To assure the long-term sustainability of council housing in Sheffield.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Sheffield City Council has a statutory duty to produce an annual balanced HRA budget, which is evidenced by the business plan update, therefore no alternative option was considered to producing this report.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee


NOTE: This is subject to approval at Full Council at its meeting to be held on 2nd February 2022 and is not subject to call-in.




The report provided the 2022/23 update of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan. It included proposals to:


• Deliver our stock increase programme to build and acquire more council homes to    meet our target of 3,100 homes by 2028/29


• Deliver improvements to our tenants’ homes to make sure they continue to be well maintained


• Deliver year on year targets to achieve the ‘Better Repairs Project’


• Invest in fire safety measures to ensure our council homes comply with the emerging building safety legislative environment


• Deliver on plans to ensure all Sheffield City Council homes reach Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) level C by 2030


• By 2022, produce a roadmap showing further options for council housing’s contribution to achieving Sheffield’s ambition of net-zero by 2030


• Focus on the quality of our customer service offer – improving customer access, the management of complaints and implementing recommendations from the Race Equality Commission


• Deliver improvements to the frontline neighbourhood housing services our tenants receive


•  Work closely with Council colleagues to support the development of Local Area Committees across the city


• Consult with tenants over plans to charge for enhanced services and introduce cost recovery for some repair and housing management activities


•  Develop apprenticeship, employment, and training opportunities to create a workforce representative of housing communities across the city


  Invest in updating our information technology infrastructure to seamlessly integrate with the wider Council systems


•  Develop more agile ways of working as we learn to adapt post COVID-19 and address any remaining backlogs caused by the pandemic




RESOLVED: That Co-operative Executive:-


recommends to the meeting of the City Council on 2 February 2022 that it



  1. Approves the HRA Business Plan report for 2022/23;


  1. Approves the HRA Revenue Budget 2022/23 as set out in the financial appendix to the report;


  1. Rents for council dwellings are increased by 4.1% from April 2022 in line with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Rent Standard;


  1. Rents for temporary accommodation are increased by 4.1% for 2022/23;


  1. Garage rents for garage plots and garage sites are increased by 4.1% from April 2022;


  1. The community heating kWh unit charge is increased from 3.04 pence to 5.69 pence from April 2022. The standing charge is also increased from £4.80 to £4.90 per week from April 2022;


  1. The sheltered housing charge is increased by 3.1% for 2022/23;


  1. The burglar alarm charge is increased by 3.1% for 2022/23; and


  1. The furnished accommodation charge is increased by 3.1% for 2022/23.




Reasons for Decision




To optimise the number of good quality affordable council homes in the city;




To maximise the financial resources to deliver key outcomes for tenants and the city in the context of a self-financing funding regime;




To ensure that tenants’ homes continue to be well maintained and to optimise investment in estates; and




To assure the long-term sustainability of council housing in Sheffield.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Sheffield City Council has a statutory duty to produce an annual balanced HRA budget, which is evidenced by the business plan update, therefore no alternative option was considered to producing this report.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee


NOTE: This is subject to approval at Full Council at its meeting to be held on 2nd February 2022 and is not subject to call-in.


Supporting documents: