Agenda item

Record of Planning Appeal Submissions and Decisions

Report of the Director of City Growth




The Committee received and noted a report of the Chief Planning Officer detailing new planning appeals received and planning appeals allowed or dismissed by the Secretary of State.



The Planning Officer drew Members attention to the dismissal of an appeal against the Committee decision to refuse planning permission for the demolition of existing dwellinghouse and erection of a dwellinghouse at Bennett Cottage, Mayfield Road, Sheffield, S10 4PR (Case No: 17/02756/FUL).



The Inspector agreed with the Committee and concluded that there were no considerations to clearly outweigh the harm by reason of inappropriateness, the harm to the openness of the Green Belt, and the identified heritage and landscape harm and that very special circumstances have not been demonstrated to justify the appeal proposal. It was considered that the adverse impacts arising from the appeal proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the scheme when assessed against the Framework taken as a whole, including the contribution to the supply of housing, and that both the national and local policies provide clear reasons for refusing the development.



Councillor Sangar noted that it was pleasing to read the Planning Inspector’s comments.  He also noted the dismissal of an appeal against the 15m high Phase 8 monopole with the provision of associated cabinets and ancillary works (Application to determine if approval is required for siting and appearance) at land 104 metres south of 40 Blackbrook Road, Sheffield, S10 4LP (Case No: 21/00847/TEL).



Councillor Holmshaw noted the dismissal of an appeal against the delegated decision of the Council to refuse planning permission for an outline planning application (seeking approval for all matters except landscaping) for the erection of 9 apartments in a 1 x 3/4 storey block with provision of new access and associated car parking accommodation at land at Crookes Road / Weston View, Sheffield, S10 5BZ (Case No: 20/01240/OUT)



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