Agenda item

Draft Work Programme 2021/22

Report of the Policy and Improvement Officer



The Policy and Improvement Officer (Deborah Glen) submitted a report containing the Committee's draft Work Programme for 2021/22.




Ms Glen made reference to the fact that the Equalities Annual Report had not been included on the agenda for this meeting, as originally planned, and apologised to Members for this. She stated that there had been a delay in the preparation of the report, and that the report may not be prepared in time for the meeting to be held on 2nd December and, therefore, welcomed any suggestions for items to be considered at that meeting.  She added that the Council’s capital and Revenue Budget would now be considered at the meeting to be held on 10th February 2022, and that the review of the Community Safety Strategy would be considered at the meeting to be held on 17th March 2022.




Members raised a number of suggested items for future meetings, which included a review of the Clean Air Zone, a review of the Sheffield City Trust, the peer review of the Council and an update on the Repairs and Maintenance Service.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)      notes the contents of the report now submitted and the comments and suggestions now made;




(b)      approves the draft Work Programme for 2021/22; and




(b)      requests the Policy and Improvement Officer to liaise with the Chair and relevant officers in connection with the allocation of items at future meetings.



Supporting documents: