To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public
5.1 |
Members of the public were invited to raise questions and/or comments on the Draft 10- Point Plan For Climate Change Action, and the following six people attended the meeting to raise their questions. |
(a) George Rees |
One of the benefits stated in the 10-Point Plan is "Improving people’s homes so they are suitable for the changing climate". The plan includes a welcome recognition of the greater progress that can be achieved by working together: "5. Bring the city together to make the changes we need". |
(Q) A significant proportion of the city housing stock is terraced houses. Many of these have single-brick external walls so they leak heat and require external solid wall insulation. Particularly for terrace-houses there's a strong benefit from insulating multiple adjacent houses together - this offers a more effective solution (reduced thermal gaps), improved appearance (harmonious), and lower-costs (reduced set-up costs). What is the Council offering, or planning, in terms of facilitating or supporting multiple privately-owned adjacent terrace-house owners to work together in this way? For example, the Council could offer an expert insulation-advisor to attend a meeting with residents of a particular terrace street, or the Council could support the negotiation with contractors for lower-prices for externally-insulating of multiple-adjacent terrace homes. |
(b) Renee Meijer |
Given that food generates around 30% of our carbon footprint, what plans do the Council have to ensure that fair and sustainable food is an integral part of this 10-Point Plan? |
(c) Andrew Mitchell |
(i) I applaud SCC for recognising the need to take action, but I see no tangible actions in any of the 10 SCC priorities listed. The greatest impact on emissions that SCC has a direct influence on is Housing which accounts for 40% of all CO2 emissions. Housing first. Fabric First. |
(ii) What is the actual strategy for reducing CO2e in Sheffield. That is what specific areas have been identified as the most effective in terms of cost vs CO2e saved and SCC authority (i.e. they have the authority to implement this)? |
(d) Gillian Gehring |
Is the Council going to rethink public transport? Might it consider seeking funds to establish a large fleet of free small electric minibuses that would run at a frequency of ~ 5 minutes over an area inside the inner ring road linking the bus and rail stations and transport hubs e.g. the Cathedral with the rest of the city. They might be permitted in the pedestrianised areas provided they kept to a very low speed limit in these areas. (There is such a scheme in Manchester). |
(e) Karine Nohr |
(i) Why are petrol-guzzling private SUVs, which are resource hungry and have poor fuel efficiency, excluded from the £10 charge to enter the Clean Air Zone? |
(ii) Why no mention of the Arup Report? |
(f) Jonathan Frost |
(i) What do you think of the Wakefield Climate Action Plan? |
(ii) What aspects could usefully used in the Sheffield equivalent? |
5.2 |
The Policy and Improvement Officer (Alice Nicholson) read out the two following questions from members of the public, who had indicated that they had wished to attend the meeting in person, but had no longer been able to do so:- |
(a) Minesh Parekh |
Point 4 of the Plan states that 'We will work towards reducing Council emissions to net zero by 2030'. The Council's original declaration and its Arup report talked in terms of being zero carbon by 2030. Is this plan a pivot away from zero carbon and downsizing our emissions ambitions? |
(b) Gillian Green |
What is SCC‘s plan to increase the amount of different types of plastics and tetra-packs that can be recycled via my blue bin collection please? I cannot take to supermarket recycling bins as I am disabled? |
5.3 |
The Policy and Improvement Officer made reference to further questions and comments which had been raised by members of the public and interested groups/ organisations, and which were set out in a document which had been circulated to members at the meeting, and which would be posted on the Council website. |
5.4 |
The Chair (Councillor Mark Jones) stated that, given the number of questions and comments raised, a generic written response would be provided to everyone. |