Report of the Director of Legal and Governance.
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The Committee considered a report concerning a Review of the Design Principles for a committee system. The Assistant Director (Governance), Alexander Polak, explained that the purpose of the report was to give the Committee detail on the feedback received from the public, at engagement events that had taken place over the previous months. Appendix 1 of the report summarised feedback from members of the public in regard to the draft design principles.
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The Assistant Director (Governance) informed the Committee that Appendix 2 in the report, gave the Committee options on amendments to the draft design principles. A simplified version of the draft design principles had also been produced and provided for Members to consider using either alongside, or in place of the original draft design principles.
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The Committee agreed to use the simplified version of the draft design principles going forward. It was mentioned the original version would remain and serve a purpose for anyone who wished to refer to them, for additional detail.
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Members of the Committee suggested amending the simplified draft design principles. Proposed amendments were as follows-
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To remove ‘cutting edge’ from Principle E and replace it with ‘forward looking’ as this would reflect how the Council needed to continuously look ahead and be prepared for change. This amendment was agreed by the Committee.
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To add ‘be open’ into Principle 18. It was mentioned this would reflect that the Council intended to be open and transparent as much as possible with the public. This amendment was agreed by the Committee.
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To group together the principles that related to each other. This amendment was agreed by the Committee
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To remove ‘valuing them all equally’ from Principle 5 and replace it with ‘taking all views into consideration when decision-making’. It was mentioned that ‘valuing them all equally’ could lead to a future complaint, if someone felt they were not valued equally throughout the process of transitioning to a Committee System. This amendment was not agreed by the Committee.
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To add ‘all’ to Principle 5. It was mentioned that it needed to be clear, that the Council intended to seek out and listen to all voices in the city, especially seldom heard groups. This amendment was agreed by the Committee.
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The Chair thanked the Committee for their suggested amendments and all the members of the public who provided suggestions to the draft design principles.
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RESOLVED: That (1) the feedback from members of the public and stakeholders (Appendix 1) be noted; (2) That the simplified draft design principles be used going forward and be amended in light of this feedback, as per Appendix 2 subject to any alterations agreed as detailed at paragraphs 6.4 to 6.9 above; and (3) That these design principles, as amended, continue to be used for the purpose of guiding the design, and future review, of Sheffield’s modern committee governance model, subject to any further review in the course of ongoing public engagement.
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