Agenda item

Future Delivery of Mental Health Social Care

Report of the Executive Director, People Services.



This report proposed a new approach to the delivery of Council duties to people experiencing a mental ill health who need social care services.




RESOLVED: That Co-operative Executive:-



1.    Notes and approves the rationale for the proposal and agrees that the Council takes direct management responsibility of Mental Health Social Care Functions;


2.    Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Health and Social Care to establish a programme board, develop an implementation plan and oversee a change process over the course of 2022-23 to enact the proposed change to the management of the Social Care Functions; and


3.    To the extent not already delegated to them by the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation, delegate authority to the Executive Director of People, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance and Director of Finance and Commercial Services to prepare and execute all required documentation and take steps to implement these recommendations.




Reasons for Decision




It is anticipated that the recommended option will deliver the following outcomes for SCC:

  • Higher quality provision which can be assured by the Director of Adult Health and Social Care.
  • Closer integration and alignment of mental health social care practice with wider strategic health and care developments in Sheffield.
  • More flexible approach to managing resources including the ability to redeploy more resources into preventative/early help provision or to align with primary care and community services.
  • Clearer focus on the needs of carers and social care needs of clients to meet eligible care needs.
  • Staff teams with clearer roles and responsibilities who are supported as social work professionals in their own right.
  • Focus on recovery and support through clearer assessment and review.
  • Less time spent managing the contract and seconded staffing function. 




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




As part of the options appraisal exercise the following additional options were identified and evaluated:

  • Do Nothing: SCC will continue with the current working arrangement with SHSC, and no strategic changes will be made.
  • Return staff to SCC and reorganise teams: SCC Staff Members currently integrated in SHSC would return to the management, supervision and direction of SCC and the resources would be located within the adult social care locality teams or in some other kind of structure.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration




The report was not for publication because it contained exempt information under Paragraphs 3 (Financial & Business Affairs) and 4 (Labour Relations Consultations or Negotiations) of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Executive Director, People Services




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee





This report proposed a new approach to the delivery of Council duties to people experiencing a mental ill health who need social care services.




RESOLVED: That Co-operative Executive:-



1.    Notes and approves the rationale for the proposal and agrees that the Council takes direct management responsibility of Mental Health Social Care Functions;


2.    Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Health and Social Care to establish a programme board, develop an implementation plan and oversee a change process over the course of 2022-23 to enact the proposed change to the management of the Social Care Functions; and


3.    To the extent not already delegated to them by the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation, delegate authority to the Executive Director of People, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance and Director of Finance and Commercial Services to prepare and execute all required documentation and take steps to implement these recommendations.




Reasons for Decision




It is anticipated that the recommended option will deliver the following outcomes for SCC:

  • Higher quality provision which can be assured by the Director of Adult Health and Social Care.
  • Closer integration and alignment of mental health social care practice with wider strategic health and care developments in Sheffield.
  • More flexible approach to managing resources including the ability to redeploy more resources into preventative/early help provision or to align with primary care and community services.
  • Clearer focus on the needs of carers and social care needs of clients to meet eligible care needs.
  • Staff teams with clearer roles and responsibilities who are supported as social work professionals in their own right.
  • Focus on recovery and support through clearer assessment and review.
  • Less time spent managing the contract and seconded staffing function. 




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




As part of the options appraisal exercise the following additional options were identified and evaluated:

  • Do Nothing: SCC will continue with the current working arrangement with SHSC, and no strategic changes will be made.
  • Return staff to SCC and reorganise teams: SCC Staff Members currently integrated in SHSC would return to the management, supervision and direction of SCC and the resources would be located within the adult social care locality teams or in some other kind of structure.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration




The report was not for publication because it contained exempt information under Paragraphs 3 (Financial & Business Affairs) and 4 (Labour Relations Consultations or Negotiations) of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Executive Director, People Services




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee



Supporting documents: