a. Presentation by Denise Devoto, South West Local Area Committee Manager
b. Breakout groups on implementation of the approved Plan.
c. Summary feedback from the breakout rooms.
d. Discussion and approval of the Plan by Members.
6.1 |
The Terms of Reference for Local Area Committees (LACs) provide that each LAC must agree a Community Plan setting priorities for the area of the committee, monitor delivery of that plan and keep it under review, and that the decisions it makes in relation to funding must fit with the priorities set out in the Community Plan and following engagement with the community.
Through public consultation, the South West LAC has developed a draft Community Plan that seeks to identify the key issues within the area, and develop a series of priorities that will inform the direction of the LAC, and direct the spending of delegated budgets, where the LAC has authority to do so.
This Report recommends the approval of the draft South West Community Plan, attached as an Appendix to this report. |
6.2 |
(1) Approval be given to the South West Community Plan as a statement of the priorities of the area; (2) Authority be given to the Community Services Manager to produce a final version of the Community Plan document, incorporating any amendments approved by the LAC at this meeting, and to publish it on the webpages of the South West Local Area Committee; and (3) Notes that future LAC decisions relating to funding must fit with the priorities set out in the Community Plan and following engagement with the community. |
6.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
The proposal to approve the South West LAC Community Plan is recommended on the basis that the Plan provides a clear framework in how the LAC will direct it’s resources to address key issues identified through community consultation. |
6.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected
None. A key element in establishing LACs is the principle that each LAC will develop a Community Plan. |
6.5 |
Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted |
6.6 |
Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration |
6.7 |
Respective Director Responsible for Implementation
Executive Director People Services |
6.8 |
Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In |
Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee |
6.1 |
The Committee received a presentation from Denise Devoto (South West Local Area Committee Manager) on the South West Local Area Community Plan 2022/23. |
6.2 |
The Plan comprised three sections, the first setting out information on what Local Area Committees (LACs) were, and including details of the members of the South West LAC and the officer team supporting the LAC. The second section contained specific information on the south west area, including statistical data, and the third section set out the South West Community Plan for 2022/23. |
6.3 |
Ms Devoto reported on the funding for the LAC, both in respect of the South West Ward pots and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), and the three themes that the Committee would focus on (Transport and Highways, Local Environment and Community and Neighbourhoods). She provided a summary of issues not included in the Plan, which it was proposed would be referred to the relevant policy committees once the Council’s new governance structures had been agreed, and concluded by reporting on what work the Committee would undertake going forward. |
6.4 |
At the conclusion of the presentation, a series of breakout groups were organised which comprised members of the public in attendance, a Council officer and a Member of the Committee leading the discussion. Each group was asked to discuss a number of issues, including what their initial thoughts were on the Community Plan, what were the key things for 2022/23 that they thought the LAC should deliver this year and how they would like to be involved in delivering some of the actions. The Members of each group then summarised the comments raised at each table, as follows:- |
The general feedback in terms of the contents of the Community Plan was very positive. |
In terms of key priorities for 2022/23, the following comments were received:- |
· Review of pedestrian crossings in the area |
· Safer routes to schools |
- encourage more walking and cycling, as well as having more traffic control officers |
- concerns regarding idling cars and parking near schools |
- need to expand the School Streets Projects |
· Need for better enforcement action regarding inappropriate/illegal parking |
· Need for additional activities to engage people of all ages |
· Firmer action and stronger enforcement required in terms of crime and anti-social behaviour. Need for improved response from the police, including outcomes and fines |
· Need to identify community hubs |
· Renewable energy |
- Need to look at ways in how people could become more self- sufficient |
- The LAC presented an ideal opportunity to look at suitable initiatives |
· Need to set smart targets in the Plan due to concerns as to what was actually achievable, and to include timings |
· Need for an increased focus on the parks in the area, including the need for additional funding for facilities |
· Speed Watch - look at how the public could assist in monitoring and collecting data on traffic speeds |
· Recycling |
- Look at what other items could be recycled and look at other schemes, such as leaving items out on the street for use by others |
- Need for information in terms of how/what/where items were recycled. |
· Need to get older people into schools to learn skills, such as ICT |
· Need to get more younger people involved in the Community Plan |
· Need for more facilities/activities for young people, particularly teenagers. Need for a mapping exercise regarding such facilities |
· Concerns regarding the isolation of people of all ages, but mainly older people living on their own. Need to expand the people Keeping Well initiative |
· Need for improved support for business fora, and need to help businesses access funding to improve the local area |
· Concerns regarding the quality of the local bus service |
· Concerns that this approach has been tried in the past, through the Area Panels, Community Assemblies and Local Area Partnerships, without too much success |
· Need to focus on something large-scale and radical, to give the LAC some credibility, as opposed to several small priorities which may not be achievable. |
· Community Infrastructure Levy monies should be spent in the area |
· Need for clarity regarding the link between the LAC and the relevant policy committee, following the introduction of the new committee system |
· Fly tipping – need for better enforcement action taken against perpetrators |
· Need for a critical path in terms of what the LAC was proposing with regard to delivery - need for clarity in terms of how projects would be delivered |
· Need to make sure the LACs worked together, city-wide, and not just within their respective boundaries, and including different sectors |
· Dog fouling - stronger enforcement action required as current methods not working |
· Car parking problems, particularly on the Abbeydale Road corridor - suggest more park and ride schemes to encourage use of those car parks currently being underused |
· Need to work better/closer with schools, making use of their excellent facilities, such as open spaces. |
6.5 |
RESOLVED: That:- |
(a) approval be given to the South West Community Plan 2022/23 as a statement of the priorities of the area; |
(b) authority be given to the Community Services Manager to produce a final version of the Community Plan document, incorporating any amendments approved by the LAC at this meeting, and to publish it on the webpages of the South Local Area Committee; and |
(c) notes that future LAC decisions relating to funding must fit with the priorities set out in the Community Plan and following engagement with the community. |
6.6 |
Reasons for Decision |
The proposal to approve the South West LAC Community Plan is recommended on the basis that the Plan provides a clear framework in how the LAC will direct it’s resources to address key issues identified through community consultation. |
6.7 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
None. A key element in establishing LACs is the principle that each LAC will develop a Community Plan. |
Supporting documents: