Agenda item

Highways Private Finance Initiative (PFI) - Road Improvements

To receive a presentation from Anita Dell and Steve Robinson, Deputy Chief Executive’s Team, and  representative from Amey Ltd.



The Community Assembly received a presentation from Steve Robinson, Head of Highway Maintenance, Sheffield City Council, and Graeme Symonds, Network Director, Amey Construction, on the Streets Ahead Project, the programme of works to be undertaken under the Highways Private Finance Initiative (PFI).




Steve Robinson reported on the highway works to be undertaken under the Project, which included trees (planting and maintenance), traffic signals, footpaths, roads names, lamp posts, kerbs, street furniture (benches, grit bins and litter bins) and road surfaces.  He also referred to those elements of work which would not be undertaken under the Project, which included traffic management and regulation, the M1 motorway, the Tinsley Viaduct and Stocksbridge Bypass, works on unadopted roads, works to private structures such as Network Rail bridges, the making of any decisions on highway improvement schemes and any grounds maintenance of public realm land.




Graeme Symonds reported on the volume of works to be undertaken under the Project within the first five years of the contract, which were planned to be completed by 2017.  In terms of the delivery approach, he stated that the 1,900 km of carriageway would be split into two zones, with the A zone comprising primary and secondary networks, of which there were 27 in total, and the B zone comprising link, C-class and local roads, of which there were 81. It was planned that, at any one time, works would be undertaken to two or three A zones and five B zones, with all the different elements of work being completed in one go.  Mr Symonds stated that residents would be kept fully informed in terms of the plans and timetable of works under the Project.




Members of the public raised questions and the following responses were provided:-




  • The Streets Ahead Project under the PFI Programme would result in all streets in the City being repaired, including the roads leading off South Road to Langsett Road, which had been reported as being in a very poor condition. 70% of the City’s roads would receive the full package of works.




  • The period of the contact was 25 years. There was no information available in terms of how much profit Amey Construction would make during the period of the contract.




  • All the Councillors of the Broomhill Ward had confirmed the need for consultation with the local community prior to the work commencing in the Broomhill area.  A named contact from Amey Construction would be appointed for each area of the City and the Community Assembly Manager would try to arrange an early meeting with the contact for the Central Community Assembly area.




  • Any maintenance works for alterations under the Project would be carried out on a like for like basis, therefore any features of the Broomhill Conservation Area would be safeguarded.




  • It was planned that any engagement with local residents would be undertaken through the Community Assembly.  There were plans to hold a roadshow prior to commencing work on specific zones, where the proposed works would be clearly displayed on plans and at which, local residents would be able to make comments.




  • Amey were in consultation with Yorkshire Water in connection with the utility company’s planned works.




  • There were plans to replace approximately 6,000 gully grates under the Project, which would improve the drainage of rainwater from streets, and there were also plans to change the profile of the streets to ensure that rainwater ran off more effectively into the gullies.




  • As part of the community engagement, local residents would be encouraged to inform Amey Construction of specific issues in their communities.




  • Whilst there were no plans at the present time with regard to how cars would be moved off streets prior to works commencing, plans for this would be devised as part of the consultation process.




  • Amey Construction had been chosen by the Council as the preferred Bidder for the Highways PFI Programme following a thorough procurement process, and had been considered the most suitable company.




  • As well as the zonal communications plans prior to the commencement of works, there was also a City-wide communications plan, which would give consideration to any planned events in the City and how the proposed works would impact on such events.  




  • There were numerous treatments that could be used as part of the resurfacing of the roads and it was in Amey’s interest to make sure that the resurfacing works were carried out to the best possible specification so as to reduce the need for repair works in the future.




  • Although safeguards in terms of value for money had been included in the contract, the Council would be carrying out regular value for money assessments during the 25 year period of the contract.  Any additional or repair works required would be carried out by Amey at the company’s expense.




  • There would be approximately 700 employees working on the Project, with 480 transferring to Amey from Street Force, and a further 170 local people to be employed.




  • In terms of a precedent for similar work, Amey had commenced a project of highway works in Birmingham approximately 2½ years ago.




RESOLVED: That the Community Assembly:-





notes the information reported as part of the presentation, together with the responses to the questions raised;





welcomes the proposed works to be undertaken as part of the Project, which would hopefully transform the City’s road network and street scene; and





thanked Steve Robinson and Graeme Symonds for the presentation now made.