Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 5th April and 16th May 2012. 



The minutes of the meeting of the South East Community Assembly held on 5th April 2012, were approved as a correct record, subject to the addition of the following paragraphs:-





(4)  Waterthorpe Greenway Playing Fields






The Assembly confirmed its continued support in maintaining the decision not to sell the Waterthorpe Greenway Playing Fields.”












Arising from consideration of the minutes, the Assembly noted that:-






(a)      The residents’ consultation on the Thorpe Green Play Area had now been completed with 75% of respondents being in favour of its construction and a slight majority in favour of making an adjustment to its proposed location.  A meeting was to take place in the area the following week to discuss how to proceed and it was hoped that the play area would be installed in early Autumn 2012.






(b)      The Chair would speak to Councillor Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Environment, Waste and Streetscene, about the use of green waste sacks as an alternative to green waste bins, and report back. 






(c)      The Chair stated that he would find out when the Sheffield              Development Framework additional site representations were to be placed before Cabinet and would report back.






(d)      A part-time Enforcement Officer, working 2½ days per week, had been appointed and had been on a tour of the area that day.  The officer would be establishing links with partners in due course and would deal with issues such as dog fouling and litter.





The minutes of the meeting of the South East Community Assembly held on 16th May 2012, were approved as a correct record.


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