Agenda item

Proposal to relocate Step Down beds from Wainwright Crescent (report of NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group and Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust)



Greg Hackney, Senior Service Manager, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, and Heather Burns, Deputy Director Mental Health Transformation, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group presented a report seeking the sub-committee’s view on whether proposals to relocate Step Down beds from Wainwright Crescent to Lightwood House constitute a ‘substantial change’ to the service and therefore require formal consultation with the Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee.




The Sub-Committee heard that the current site at Wainwright Crescent does not support the provision of dignified, respectful of modern community-based care; and that there were significant limitations to making meaningful improvements to the current building. The report stated that moving the service to Lightwood House would provide therapeutic care and support in a modern facility; dignity and privacy; meaningful activities through more and flexible private and communal space and better local leisure facilities. The proposal would result in a reduction of 1 bed, however improvements to patient flow would mitigate this.




In response to concerns that moving the site further to the south of the city may deter some patients from using the (voluntary) service, NHS representatives felt that the improvement in quality to the service as a result of the move would be likely to encourage uptake of the service – but that more work would be done to look at this.




Members of the Sub-Committee welcomed the opportunity to visit the site.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee:-




(a)      does not consider the proposal to relocate step down beds from Wainwright Crescent to Lightwood House to be a ‘substantial service change’ and therefore does not require further formal consultation with the Sub-Committee




(b)      requests a progress report come back to the sub-committee in 6 months; to include information on whether the move has affected demand for the service, and an offer of a site visit for members of the sub-committee.


Supporting documents: