5.1 Greg Fell briefing introduced the paper. He stated there was not an economic or city strategy, and that this paper was working to introduce these things. He said a significant piece of work had been done on looking at the evidence base for a city strategy. He stated that health was a significant part of an economic strategy for Sheffield. He asked for engagement from the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board, and that the board note this paper.
5.2 Jen Rickard was in attendance to talk to the paper. She stated she felt the Council had a duty to carry out an economic assessment. She said this included a review of the environmental impact of the economy. She stated that happiness levels within Sheffield had decreased significantly.
5.3 Laura White highlighted the Community Voice and Insight Commission taking place. She stated that this work was community owned, and said she hoped collaboration would take place.
5.4 Dr Hudsen asked if there were any responses to the questions set out in section 8 of the paper. In response to future policies and strategies, Sandie Buchan stated that the areas of focus of the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Board had a significant influence on supporting health inequality across the city and on the health and wellbeing of parents. She stated Sheffield CCG’s work could align with the City Strategy.
5.5 Dr Black stated Sheffield Teaching Hospitals would like to be involved in developing the strategy. Laura White stated this was reassuring and she said there would be representation from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals on the task and finish group.
5.6 Kathryn Robertshaw expressed her support.
5.7 Greg Fell stated that levelling up was a key focus at the moment. He added that it was important to not duplicate work being done.
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