7.1 Ruth Grainger introduced the paper and summarised its key points. She asked that the board assist in strengthening governance arrangements in relation to health protection.
7.2 Councillor Argenzio asked whether an analysis had been carried out into what worked well in protection people’s health during the pandemic, and what did not work well. She asked if a plan was in place regarding what methods might be used should there be a further outbreak.
7.3 Councillor Rooney asked for some information on the level of risk associated with diseases which might be returning, for example Polio and Measles. Additionally, he asked what could be done to emphasise the continued risk of COVID-19.
7.4 Dr Hudsen asked what the strategic issues were which the board needed to be updated on.
7.5 Greg Fell stated that COVID-19 was expected to worsen in Autumn. He said he was concerned that future variants would be less resistant to the existing vaccines. He stated that there was an overall 90% vaccination rate against measles currently; however, he added that this would be a 60% vaccination rate in some communities. He said he thought there would be a measles outbreak at some point in Sheffield. In response to Dr Hudsen’s question, he said he would welcome an annual accountability statement to the Health and Wellbeing Board on how health protection was working.
7.6 Ruth Grainger stated that a collective approach to vaccination had worked well.
7.7 Dr Hudsen stated some work had been done with partners to learn more about vaccine hesitancy, and he suggested this information be incorporated into health protection aims.
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