11.1 Magdalena Boo was in attendance to give an overview of the Sheffield Strategy to Reduce Gambling Related Harms.
11.2 Dr Terry Hudsen suggested that this item be brough back to a Health and Wellbeing Board workshop for a longer discussion.
11.3 Greg Fell asked that the board sponsor this activity. He felt that gambling bodies should not be involved in education or treatment around gambling harms.
11.4 Councillor Johnson asked whether it was known how much the gambling industry spent on advertising in Sheffield. Magdalena stated that she would bring information on this back to the Board.
11.5 AGREED:
· That the Board authorise the Director of Public Health to be the strategic lead in the development of the Sheffield Gambling Harm Reduction Strategy.
· That the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Joint Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership/Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership Executive jointly own the strategy for the city.
Supporting documents: